Monday, January 31, 2011

Go. Go. Go.

Why is it that it is so hard to exercise? I am always so tired and use that as an excuse not. I am sure I have used ever excuse in the book. I'm to tired. My show is on soon. You (Jake) want to watch the game. I have to cook dinner. I don't want to. And so on and so on.

This last week Jennifer and I started walking on our lunch break. Not that exciting but we walk around a building 3 times equaling 3/4 of a mile. It takes about 30 min to do the 3 laps so we are not walking that fast but it sometimes gets hard to catch my breath when talking. I hear that is a good thing. But it is still getting out and doing something in the middle of the day. I actually look forward to these short walks with Jennifer. She is great! She is my 30-45 min of sanity in the middle of the day :O)

I think the walks are helping me exercise at night too. Its like I want to make sure the walk wasn't for nothing. I have actually been excited to do Zumba Wii when I get home from work on the days there are no games.

This is a big step up for me, wanting to exercise. I hope the trend keeps going.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
