Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tulip Photo contest

Last year I entered a photo contest for the local news paper. The pictures had to have tulips, in honor of the Tulip Festival, and the winner got their picture printed in the news paper. Unfortunately I didn't win, actually I didn't even get close to first.

But it was still fun to go out to the tulip fields with Jake, take pictures, decide what picture to enter, and watch the voting.
This is the picture I entered in the 2009 contest. I really like this picture.

A lot of the pictures that were entered last year, and so far this year, have been edited in one way or another. My entry was 100% original. No editing at all. I think it should have won...but I guess I am a little biased.

On my birthday this year Jake took me to the tulip fields, and even though I didn't feel very good I got a few pictures and posted them on facebook. Trena, my sister-in-law asked if there was another photo contest. I looked it up on line and sure enough there is!
I am very excited to announce that I have entered a photo into the 2010 Tulip Photo Contest. And I hope that this will be my first of many photos that get published.
This years entry. Titled: One in a million.
Here is the website for the contest...
Check it out. Look at the pictures. Make a profile. And vote Saturday May 1st to Sunday May 9th.
My fingers are crossed that this year I win!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Early 28th Birthday

I know I've said it before, but my husband is AMAZING! I walked in the door after a long, very busy day at work, and there were tulips for me. They were on the table with a card that wishes me happy birthday and to tell me that we have a date at the tulip fields and dinner.

Aren't my flowers BEAUTIFUL? I sure think so :O)

I also have an AMAZING Mother. She sent me a package with this beautiful quilt! Brown. Pink. And stars. What could be better?

My Mom is very talented and I can't wait to find a place to hang my new quilt.

I absolutely LOVE it!!

My mom also made me this. Its a towel and an oven mite with a button. I love these!! They are so cool!

Well, all in all its been a great early birthday!
And a great way to end my 27th year!
Tomorrow is the first day of the best year of my life and...
I cant wait!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


There are some things I am excited about:
*Number one would be that these plants are growing so well. I haven't seen any tomato's or Chines lanterns, at least that's what I think they are called. But non the less, they are all growing very well.
**Number two would be that Mr. Milo and little Miss. Bella have not eaten the tops off of any of the plants. The cucumbers and watermelon are so big now that I can't keep the lid on any longer.
***Number three would be that my husband loves me. He loves me very much actually! The other day I felt terrible. Well it started when we were talking a shower and all of a sudden I had a sharp pain in my stomach. Actually it started out as just an ache and then I was doubled over in pain. I should have stayed home but because I'm not really one to call in sick I went to work. That night Jake made me dinner and let me sleep all night long. Even tucked me into bed and gave me a kiss on the forehead before turning out the lights.
****Number four would be that tomorrow is Friday and then Saturday is my 28th birthday. Wow, 28 years old! Huh, who would have thought that I would have gotten married, bought a home, tired my hand at growing a garden, made it through a merger at work, and started trying to have a baby.
*****I am very excited to see what my 28th year brings...and what my husband gets me for my birthday. Maybe a puppy? I keep telling him one would make a great gift :O) I guess I will have to wait a few more days to find out.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 6 of my lil plants

I am beyond excited about my little garden! Every time I open the plastic cover there is more and more green. I can not wait for Jake and I to get started on the raised garden bed. That will be our project over the weekend. First thing in the morning we are on our way to Home Depot.

Look at all that GREEN!!

The watermelon is a little slower then the rest, but its working its way out little at a time.

The cucumber is growing the best!

I can't remember right now what these are but I'm excited to see 'em all grown and get them planted around the front yard.
Alright, more pictures in a few days :O) Can't wait to see how much they have grown in the morning!!!