Sunday, April 1, 2012

You've got to see this!

I don't think this video needs any introduction. Just watch. My bet, you will be crying from laughing by the end.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Its official!

I always knew that where there were babies there was a lot of "stuff" but this is just crazy! I'm sure having two makes it a little more crazy, but still. Wow! We have been taken over by babies! A friend of mine, Erin, said it looks like Babies R Us in our house :O)

Our entertainment center...well, was OUR entertainment center. Now, a lot of times you can't even change the station because the swings are blocking the cable box. The little basket to the left of the tv holds burp cloths. Under the tv is all their cardboard books, and the drawer under the books is full of toys. The floor is covered in play mats and toys, a bumbo, and a bouncy chair (usually 2 bouncy chairs) even.
Our kitchen has been effected too. Bottles, bottles, and more bottles. Not to mention the formula and rice cereal. Poor Einstein the fish doesn't have much of a view any longer.
Our dining room is the only space we have to put Hannah and Hailey's car seats when not in use. I never knew a car seat could take up so much room. Oh, and the 2nd diaper bag, its amazing how much stuff you have to take with you when leaving the house.
We have even had to tuck the sling behind the recliner and couch because we don't have room in the living room. Oh, the rest of their books are back there too.
The 2nd swing, actually both swings. Hailey loves this one because there are jungle animals hanging above it. Now the brown swing, at the moment has the boppy, the wipes and the backpack baby holder thing.
And then there is Hannah in the jumperoo. The poor love seat has been pushed back as close to the window as we can get it with still allowing room for the little cat tree we have for Bella and Milo. So the jumperoo is pretty much in the middle of the room. With no place else to go.
Even though we have a lot of things for our little girls, I feel so very blessed to have all of this. Most of it was lent to us by great friends and family. Ami, my best friend, has lent us almost everything. One of the swings, the jungle, a bouncy chair, the sling, toys, and tons and tons of clothes for these little girls.
Thanks everyone!

Mom help!

This picture makes me laugh! I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. Lol!

Hannah seems to get stuck in their jumper. She can be fine jumping and playing with the toys on top on minuet, and the next she is screaming. Its not because she is tired of bouncing...its because she is stuck.

Again, I know I shouldn't laugh but she is just so darn cute :O)

Saturday, March 24, 2012


The girls got to go outside today. It was so nice, that despite how tired mommy was and how bad her head hurt, we went outside.
This was the first time the girls have had their sunglasses on. Thank goodness it wasn't a big fight because, even if they don't like it, they are going to have to wear them a lot this summer.
Hailey wasn't to sure about them at first but got over it really quick and was smiling after a very short time.

It took Hannah a little longer to get use to them.
Both the girls in their stylin' shades :O) Aren't they just the cutest things you've ever seen!


Friday afternoon was beautiful! While Hannah was taking a nap, we took Hailey outside to enjoy some of the beautiful, few and far between, moments of warm sun.

I think she liked it :O)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hannah loves her mush

Hannah, on her 4 month birthday, eating sweet potatos :O)

Even at 4 months, she is very ready to eat solids :O)

Guess who else is 4 months old?

Hannah banana, that's who!
Just like sister, Hannah has been growing like crazy! From the day she was born, she watches everything and everyone. And is ok with just sitting back and relaxing.
She is such a strong little girl and loves to show off how well she holds up her head! She gets better at it every day too :O) One of the new things Hannah likes to do is sit while I'm holding her hands helping her sit. Because of possible teething, she also likes to suck on my finger while sitting up.
We gave Hannah some rice cereal on Feb 23rd while we were in Spokane at Grandmother and Grandpadad's. She knew exactly what to do. And she loves it! She has decided that when we put sweet potatoes in with the rice it is soooo much better. Hannah knows when we put her in the high chair, and the bib on, that she will be getting "mush" as Jake calls it. It makes her a very happy girl!
We put Hannah in the bumbo near the end of February. And even though Hannah loves to hold her head up on her own, really didn't like the bumbo. Not sure why, but she doesn't. Oh well. Maybe she will later this month.
We were so excited when she slept 7 hours in one stretch on the 2nd of March. And then...she slept 9 hours on the 6th!!! Yep, our little Hannah who I thought would never sleep more than 4 or 5 hours, slept for 9 hours! But I kept waking up, thinking both girls were waking up too. I think I checked on Hannah 3 or 4 times that night. Thankfully, she likes to sleep about 7 to 8 hours on average every night.
Lets go back a day or to though, to the 4th of March. Hannah woke up at 4:30am for a bottle. Normally she goes right back to sleep. But not this night, she had decided she didn't want to go back to sleep. At 4:30am, I was absolutely exhausted. Not wanting to put Hannah back in bed only to wake up sister, I put her under the "jungle" and turned on the lights. Hannah had so much fun playing, and laughing, and squealing, and wiggling, that mommy really didn't mind being up that early. Hannah loves the jungle very much. A lot of times she wiggles her little bum so much that she wiggles right off the edge of the mat. About an hour later Hannah was tired and we all went back to bed.
Daddy got to hear Hannah laugh for the first time on the 7th while they were getting ready for a bath. Daddy holds both of her hands, gets his face really close to hers, and they both wiggle. It was really cute :O)
One thing that I can't decide if I'm excited about or not...Hannah has found her thumbs! Not that she really knows what to do with them, but once in a while she gets just a thumb in her mouth and she tries to suck on it. Binky...thumb...not sure if it really matters. She still likes to have a binky to help her fall asleep. Either way, as long as she is happy.
Yesterday, just before getting ready for a bath, we were all playing on mommy and daddy's bed. I was holding sister Hailey, and daddy was holding you. We were holding the two of you so you were face to face standing up. As soon as you saw each other, you both started to smile and giggle at each other. It was the first time you acknowledged your sister! It was really cool! (Yes, I know this same story was in Hailey's post. But when I use these posts in a book later, I want this story in Hannah's too.)
... ... ...
You are growing up so fast my little Hannah! Mommy loves watching you grow and learn. I can't believe you are 4 months old already! I can't wait to look back on this time when you were so little, with you when you are older.
Mommy loves you very much!

Guess who is 4 months old??

Hailey is, that's who! And the past month has been a busy one in our house. From trying rice cereal to sitting in the bumbo, Hailey has been grown and learning in leaps and bounds!
She first tried rice cereal and Grandmother and Grandpadad's house in Spokane on Feb 23rd. Hailey wasn't sure about it then, and still on her 4 month birthday isn't sure about it. She kinda moves it around in her mouth, makes a face, and decides to just be done with it and spits it out.
Once in a while Hailey still gets tummy pains, but not very often any more. Thank goodness!
On Saturday morning, March 3rd, Hailey and sister were sitting in bed with Mommy and Daddy. Who knows what it was, but something just made her giggle! And giggle she did! It was the best sound to hear in the morning. All of us were laughing along with Hailey. Sister Hannah was even smiling :O)
Hailey has started to chew/suck on her bottom lip. Mommy was afraid it was teeth starting to come in. With all the drool, the sucking, and the chewing...what else could it be? We went to the doctor just in case it wasn't an ear infection. And no, nothing else. Sure enough little Miss Hailey has started to get teeth! So far no bumps but according to the doctor, it can take a few months to pop out.
Hailey has also decided to not want to go to bed at night. There were a couple nights that it took over two hours to get her to call asleep on her own in her crib. Mommy and Daddy have started to try and trick her into bed time. We have started getting her diaper and pj's on in our bedroom rather than hers. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't.
She might have a hard time falling asleep, but once she falls asleep she is asleep. The night of March 6th, Hailey slept for 9 1/2 hours! That's right, over 9 hours in one night! Mommy kept getting up to check on both her and sister, so mommy didn't get a whole lot of sleep.
Last night, March 22nd, we were all playing on Mommy and Daddy's bed. Mommy was holding Hailey, and Daddy was holding Hannah. When I would gently pull up on Haileys arms while she was sitting, she would push with her legs and stand up. You could tell Hailey was sooo proud of herself! While Hailey was standing, Jake helped Hannah stand up with the girls facing each other. Both Hannah and Hailey started to smile and giggle at each other. It was the FIRST time the acknowledged each other! I think Jake and I were just as excited as the girls. It was so cute!
... ... ...
Little Hailey, I can't believe how fast you are growing into a little lady! You are learning so much every day and mommy can't wait to watch you grow even more!

Mommy loves you very much!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sleep Sleep Sleep

I know I complain about Hailey being difficult when it comes to bed time, and honestly she is. But once we do get her to sleep, boy does she sleep.
. .. ... .. .
Yesterday evening we went to the end of the 2011-2012 BE basketball season dinner. I really thought it was important that I go, and with the help of a few friends, we were able to take Hannah and Hailey without any major interruptions. No screaming, or crying, or anything really. Hannah even fell asleep in Erin's arms while Daddy was handing out awards.
. .. ... .. .
When we got home I was ready for a battle with Hailey. Play with Daddy, bath and then the battle began. Both girls actually put up a little bit of a fight last night when it was time for their bottles. Hannah actually fell asleep mid cry in the swing and didn't wake back up.
. .. ... .. .
After we got Hailey calmed down and she had her bottle, both girls were tucked in bed by 8:30pm. Jake and I got some things done around the house, finished laundry, changed the sheets our our bed, Jake even made a quick trip to the store to get some stuff for his lunch. And mommy and daddy were in bed by 11pm watching Seinfeld.
. .. ... .. .
I figured we would be back up a little after midnight with Hannah being that she didn't have a bottle before bed. But, thankfully, I was wrong. I woke up at 3 o'clock to go to the bathroom. 3 o'clock and the girls hadn't woken me up yet. I checked on the girls and they were both still sleeping. I even woke Jake up to see when Hannah had woken up to eat, figuring I had slept through it. But no. Neither of the girls had been up yet and it was 3 o'clock in the morning!
. .. ... .. .
Hannah and Hailey actually slept from 8:30pm to 5:30am! Yep, another 9 hour stretch for these two. And then, just to add the cherry on top, they were both asleep by 6am not to wake up again until 9 am!
. .. ... .. .
I got to sleep in until 9am!!! Woohoo! Now if they got on this schedule from now on...oh man would I be in heaven! I'm not going to count on it though. But still, a mommy can hope right?
. .. ... .. .
(This might be a picture from March 6th, the first time Hannah and Hailey
slept 9 hours, but it fits for this post too :O)

Sunday, March 18, 2012


You know how a smell can remind you of a person? Or a day? Or a place?

I got two pillow cases from my mom's house when we visited the beginning of March. I opened it up this evening to put it on a pillow.

I couldn't help be to be taken back to my Grandmother's house. Climbing into bed. Taking a big deep breath of the pillow. It makes me miss her very much.

It reminds me of all the holidays, summers, and spring breaks we spent there. There was always a full house at Grandmother's. Her house was where all the cousins got together. I miss those days!

Jake said the pillow case just smelled like it hadn't been used for a long time. But to me, it will always smell like my Grandmother's house. I can't wait to crawl into bed tonight and take a big deep breath of my Grandmother's house!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hailey vs CIO: Round 2

My poor little Hailey! I am starting to think her teeth, or would be teeth, are starting to bother her. Both of my girls have been drooling a lot, and more and more every day. But neither of them have little bumps in their gums. So I didn't think it was a big deal.

Except lil' Miss Hailey seems to be having a tough few days. Last night we couldn't get her to go to sleep in her crib AT ALL. We finally gave up after 11pm and put her in the yellow sling that Ami let us borrow a few months ago. Thank goodness for that sling is all I have to say.

There was nothing we could do last night to calm Hailey down. Clean diaper didn't work. Food didn't work. Playing in the jungle didn't work. Swinging didn't work. An iced teething thing didn't work. Sitting in the vibrating bouncy chair didn't work. Having the lights off didn't work. Turning the lights on didn't work. Letting her scream didn't work. Cuddling with daddy didn't work. Cuddling with mommy FINALLY worked...but only after almost an hour of screaming and mommy rubbing her bum.

She actually slept from just after 11pm until 5:30 this morning in the sling with out so much as a peep. After she ate and played in the jungle a little this morning I was able to get her to go to sleep in her crib for a little over 2 hours! And after last night, I am very proud of her doing that! Hailey slept in the crib while Hannah and I slept in our bed, not wanting ANYTHING to wake Hailey up.

So now fast forward 2 hours...Hannah in bed and Hailey screaming. And again, nothing works. I put her in her high chair so I can put the pot roast back into the fridge, obviously I'm not going to get that in the crock pot in time for dinner tonight. Poor Hailey is screaming at the top of her lungs and then...All. Is. Silent.

She passed out in her high chair and has been that way now for over 2o min. I am not really a fan of her sleeping in it, especially because the straps are under her seeing that she was only going to be in it for less then a minuet. But there is NO WAY I'm going to be moving her until she wakes up. Also no way I'm going to do anything that could make a sound that would cause her to wake up. Even if I get another 20 minuets out of her I will be thankful.

Please cross your fingers.

Round 2:
Hailey = 2 CIO = 0

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Where has time gone?

It is amazing how fast the last year has gone. This time, one year ago, Jake was sticking me with needle after needle. And in about 2 weeks will be a year from the day both our eggs were implanted!

As I look back over my blog posts, I am very thankful for them. There is no way I could have remembered that the night we had the 40th party for my parents was the first time Jake felt the girls move. Or all the amazing things that happened during each week of my pregnancy.

Sometimes I have felt my posts are kinda silly and who would want to read what I wrote. But you know what, I've decided it doesn't matter. If no one else ever reads these, I will have record of what happened. How I felt. I will be able to remember the tears, both happy and sad, that I've cried. The struggles we have survived. The joys we have experienced. All the milestones through our lives.

This is for me. And if others read it, and maybe even enjoy reading it, that is just a bonus :O)

Hailey vs. CIO

Oh man! Our little Miss Hailey has won this round of CIO!
. .. ... .. .
Up until a few days ago, Hailey has done a great job going to bed. Yes, I know, we probably put her down when she is completely asleep rather then letting her fall asleep in bed by herself. I know we do. Even though I tell myself we don't, we totally do. Most of that is because she gets so worked up sometimes. We have learned that sometimes its not worth letting her cry.
. .. ... .. .
We have also learned the hard way what happens if we wait to long to get her down. We have tried to be very mindful of her sleepy-time cues and get her to nap/bed as soon as possible. It was one very long Monday I experienced a few weeks ago. I did some crying, Jake and I did some fighting, we both did some reading, and I think we have that all figured out. That has been maybe one of the most important things I've learned, keeping my sanity wise, after becoming a parent.
. .. ... .. .
Now, as of yesterday, she has started this new phase of screaming after we put her down to bed at night. We try to let her cry it out, going in and checking on her every 5 min and such. I even sing to her...I need to look up some new songs to sing tomorrow too. Trying to let her calm herself. But yesterday and tonight that hasn't worked. Not one bit. Letting her cry it out has only made it worse. Hailey has always gotten really worked up easily and is hard to calm down.
. .. ... .. .
Colic you ask?? Nope. Its not colic unless they have been crying for more than 3 HOURS and for a few days in a row at the same time of day. Our doctor talked to us about colic at the girl's 6 week appointment. Now that reminds me...the girls have their 4 month (yes I said month) appointment in two weeks! I have decided there is no way I would survive colic! 3 hours of a screaming baby??? And that could last for up to 12 months. I would totally go crazy by the end of the first year. But thankfully she doesn't cry for hours. And I don't think she would even if we left her in their crib.
. .. ... .. .
Part of what makes this so difficult is that there is another baby we have to consider. Its not like we can just put Hailey in her crib and let her cry (scream rather) it out. Hannah shares a room let along their crib with her sister Hailey right now. It hasn't really seemed to bother Hannah too much when Hailey cries but I'm sure that isn't going to last long.
. .. ... .. .
One thing Jake and I talked about is sticking to the CIO method, but keep Hannah in the living room with us until Hailey is asleep. Thankfully (and yes, I am knocking on wood right now) Hannah is a good sleeper and an overall easy going baby. We talked about trying that tomorrow night but with it being a Sunday we might wait until next Friday. If Hailey isn't sleeping neither is the rest of the house.
. .. ... .. .
So, for now, the score stands as Hailey=1 CIO=0. Hope the score evens out and her parents keep their sanity soon. The screaming, rocking, swinging, crying, drying, screaming, driving can not continue any longer.

2 best friends and 5 babies

Almost 6 years ago I meet Steve, one of Jake's best friends, and his wife Amy. I actually meet them a few hours before I was introduced to Jake. I never thought, in 6 years both Jake and Steve would both have twins.
This past month we were able to get both the best friends and all of their girls together. All of their girls! All 5 of them.
Above is Jake, Steve and their 5 little girls.

I am very excited for all of our girls to get to know each other better over the years!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gross story by Hannah

Hannah is very good at telling stories. Actually, if you get her talking, she can go for a half an hour. She loves to talk to anyone and everyone who will listen. This story however is a little different. It makes me laugh everytime! See for yourself...

Lol! Love it <3

Sunday, February 12, 2012

More fun with chalkboard paint

Two years ago, the branch of Washington Federal I work at had a Christmas Eve morning brunch and gift exchange.

That morning I got a not so beautiful plant pot (pictured below). Actually, I think it is kinda ugly. What do you do with something like this?? Its not something I would put in my house but yet I still have it two years later.

I also have a spider plant that was given to me by a co-worker at Horizon several years ago that badly needed to be replanted. So what do I do....

I sand the entire pot and saucer with 220 sandpaper. It didn't look like it, but did the job enough so the paint could hold.

And then I spray painted both pot and saucer with the black chalkboard paint I got at Fred Meyer for my wine glasses. Following the directions and three coats later...I think it turned out perfect! And the spider plant looks very happy in its new home.

I'm actually really excited to be able to write messages to the girls on this when the get a little older :O)

Oh Mr. Milo

There are two cats in the Martyn house. Milo, our big orange cat. And Bella, shy baby Bella. Both of them have had a little bit of a hard time with the changes we have had recently around here.

Milo, only recently, has seemed to be having a harder time. I'm not sure if it is because he is feeling neglected or if he doesn't feel well. I got Milo from a great friend Maggie in the spring of '97 making him almost 15 years old. So I really hope he is feeling neglected, and not getting too old.

But back to the story at hand...Milo has decided he likes to get in the crib the girls are sleeping in. (See picture) I have only seen him in the crib once while one of the girls, Hailey, was sleeping. And maybe 3 or 4 times when neither of the girls were in it. For being almost 15 years old he can still jump pretty good.

That is what bothers me a little bit. He can't tell who is in there and where they are. We do have thin bumpers up in both cribs and so he can't see into the crib before he jumps. It scares me a little, ok a lot actually, what would happen if he landed on one of the girls. And if he doesn't land on them, what if he wants to cuddle with them and sleeps to close to their face?

Who out there who has cats and babies has had this problem? Is this something I should be worried about? Is there something we can do to keep him out?

It has been a few days from the last time I saw him in the crib so I hope he is past this little phase. I know I have a few friends with babies and if you have any suggestions I'm all ears :O)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I have become addicted to Pinterest. It has gotten me through a lot of long nights feeding Hailey and Hannah. I would consider myself a crafty person so this website is perfect for me! I love it. I have found so many different projects. I've done a few but have so many more to do.

This was one of my favorite is a creative way to identify who's wine glass is who's. Chalkboard paint and wine glasses...genius! Plus it was something my mom and I could do together before she went home.

I found the idea here but I used spray paint rather then a can of paint but I think the results are the same. (FYI: Fred Meyer was cheaper than Michaels even with a 40% off coupon.)

We used cheap wine glasses we got from Fred Meyer. Nothing special, just plane wine glasses.

I put painters tape so the chalkboard paint wouldn't go above just above the bottom of the stem. And then I used sandpaper to scratch the surface so the paint had something to hold on to.

Wine glasses sprayed and waiting to dry. It took 3 coats to cover it completely but each coat didn't take long to dry.

We used the wine glasses on Super bowl Sunday. They worked great. We didn't have to remember what charm was ours. We just had to remember our names :O)

Great idea if you like to host parties

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I can't believe how fast these girls are growing....

Hannah in the boppy at just under 4 weeks. While the next picture is Hannah and Hailey in the same boppy tonight at 9 weeks and 1 day.

I can't believe it! There is such a difference in just 5 short weeks...I can't wait to see how much they have grown in a month.

2 months

It has now been two months and four days since Hannah and Hailey entered our life. I have no idea where the past 2 months have gone! Actually I do...millions of diaper changes, bottles, wardrobe changes, and so on. Best part of the past 2 months...the hugs. The kisses. Watching these two girls grow every day into the amazing beautiful little girls they have become.

Hailey has gone from the sleepy little girl who would not sit still to the sleepy little girl who still will not sit still. She is going to be our athlete we think. She is awake more and more and is a very happy girl after filling her diaper. Hailey rolled herself over at 5 weeks! And continues to do so when we make her mad making her do tummy time. From the day Hailey was born she had tummy issues, not liking what it feels like when her tummy does what it should after eating. Sometimes it would mean screaming at the top of her lungs after eating. Those days are not completely behind us, but the are very few and far between. (I am knocking on wood right now.) She is such a happy baby now.

Above is Hailey, 11 days old.

Hailey at 7 1/2 weeks.

From the very beginning, Hannah has been our quite one. Just sitting back and watching everyone and everything. She is the same way today. But she has started to express herself. She lets us know when she wants be picked up, food, and especially a diaper change. We still don't mind hearing her cry, it isn't the high pitched cry like Hailey's. Its more, I don't know, cute cry. Over the past few weeks, Hannah has figured out how to hold her head up and would much rather be facing people then looking over someones shoulder. And when Hannah melts my heart. She even has little dimples in her chubby cheeks :O)

Above is Hannah at 11 days old.

Hannah, holding up her head, at 7 1/2 weeks.

Both girls have grown so much. I just can't believe they have gone from their under 6 pounds to (according to our scale) over 11 pounds in 2 short months. They have also started to sleep better at night. Going from an hour or so between feedings to up to 5 hours at a time. Hannah is loosing her hair, and Hailey's is growing back.

I absolutely love watching them grow each and every day. I can't wait to help them continue to grow.

Mommy loves you Hannah and Hailey!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Daddy and his little girls

Jake is such an amazing Daddy to these little girls! These pictures melt this Mommy's heart!

Thank you Jennifer for capturing these wonderful moments between Daddy had his little girls!

P.S. If you need pictures taken, contact Jennifer Ecker at her facebook page or her website. You wont be disappointed! We absolutely LOVE all the pictures she has taken of our family!


Hearts entwined

Twenty fingers, twenty toes,

two sweet babies with cheeks of rose.

Born on the same day,

two gifts from above,

lives entwined, two babies to love.

~Author Unknown

Its amazing how completely you can love someone within moments of meeting them. And its even more amazing how there is room in your heart to love them even more each day.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The best Mom and Grandmother ever

I'm pretty sure that says it all. I have always know, even if at times I wouldn't admit it, that my mom was amazing. She was there for both my brother and I from the day we were born. And now, now that I have children of my own, it is even more apparent to me how amazing she is.

She has been here. In Burlington. Living with us. Cooking for us. Cleaning for us. Doing laundry for us. Changing diapers for us. Cleaning up spit-up for us. Making bottles for us. Feeding for us. Shopping for us. This list could go on and on and on. From the day the girls were born she was there for us.

I am so grateful for her and everything she has done for us over the past 8 weeks. (Yes, I can't believe Hannah and Hailey are already 8 weeks and 3 days old.) I am really not sure what I would do without all her help and knowledge.

Tonight, she made her nightly phone call to my dad who is back in Spokane/Coeur d'Alene. And after I asked her how he was doing. I think my dad is getting really tired of eating out, alone. He is also working on the kitchen at the lake and I think he is just getting tired. Tired of all the work he has to do, alone. It makes me sad to think that because we live so far away, with my mom being over here to help he is all alone. It actually makes me very sad. It breaks my heart.

From the tone of my mom's voice when she was talking about dad, I really can't tell if she wants to stay any more. I mean, I know she wants to help me with the girls. the same time I am pretty sure she wants to be home.

I don't know what to do. Do I not say anything? Or do I ask her if she wants to go home? Do I lie and tell her we don't need her here any more so she will go home?

I'm really not sure what we are going to do when she does go home. Even if it is 2 months, after basketball. At least then Jake will not be working such long days and will be able to help with the middle of the night feedings. My fingers are crossed the girls will be sleeping longer at night than they are now, but I'm not sure they will be. But if my mom leaves before basketball season is over, besides the night feedings, I will be alone for 13hours some days with the girls.

I knew being a parent wasn't going to be easy. Especially with twins. And I don't want my mom to feel like she has to stay. Especially if she doesn't want to.

Maybe she could go home to Spokane/Coeur d'Alene for a week or so "vacation" and then come back and help me. That might work. Kinda ease me into being alone all day every day, and having to get up by myself to feed both girls.

Either way, what ever happens, she is an amazing mom and an even more amazing Grandmother! I can't imagine day to day without you. Love you mom!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Bath time (part 2)

A few weeks ago I posted about bath time in the Martyn house. I am happy to say tears have become a part of the bath time routine. Not sad tears because we have to get into the bath tub...

But tears we have to get OUT OF the bath tub.

Yep, you read that right. Our girls can be so upset and when we put them into the bath tub they become the happiest little girls in the world. I have started putting little ducks in the bath with them and they seem to love kicking them around.

Once they are out of the water and into the towel...the crying begins. Never fails. Each night the same thing. Happy little campers until they have to get out of the tub. (Some day down the road I will post proof of this phenomenon.) I really hope this continues when they get older. I am not looking forward to having to fight with them to take a bath at night like I've heard a lot of parents have to.

Fingers crossed to that. And happy bathing everyone :O)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I can't help it

I should be sleeping right now but I can't help it.

The girls should be waking up shortly for yet another feeding but I can't help it.

I am sitting in the dark living room with country music playing softly on the radio and I can't help it.

There is snow outside our house for the first time this year and I can't help it.

I can't help looking in on our little girls. Our little miracles.

I still can't believe they are here. And so happy and healthy.

I am so 100% in love with these little girls I can't help it.

Hannah and Hailey are the loves of my life and I can't help it.

Mommy and Hailey
Mommy and Hannah

Miss Hannah

Miss Hailey

My beautiful little girls.
I love them with all my heart and I can't help it.

Sick sick sick

I can't even remember the last time I was sick. A cold, usually once a year. Those things are so hard to get away from when you and your husband both work with the public. But something more serious then that? I seriously can't remember. That is, up until last night. Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry gets sick in a bakery and ruins his no vomit streak for some crazy amount of years. (And yes honey, I did just reference Seinfeld :O)

Not that you want details, and I don't want to share them either. Lets just say that during a wonderful meal cooked by my mommy I started to feel hot and dizzy. Almost like the 1/3 or the beer I had just consumed was actually 5 or 6 beers. One thing after another and I was in the bathroom. Ugh.

So much for not getting sick. Ever. But it did mean that I got to go to sleep and didn't have to wake up with the girls. Thank you to my wonderful husband and very understanding mother. I just hope that the girls haven't gotten whatever that tummy bug was. They had been a little more fussy than normal and have been spitting up after every other feeding yesterday. Fingers crossed it was just some 24 hour thing.

I am happy to report that as of 6:30 am I am feeling much better. I even had some toast due to my tummy talking very loudly. My good mood my have something to do with the inch or so of snow that is on the ground too. So excited for snow!!!

This mommy is going to go crawl back into bed while my little miracles sleep for another hour or so. Fingers crossed I don't get sick again.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Parents prayer

I found this between the 11pm and 2am feeding. I think it is a little more than perfect...

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my sanity to keep.
For if some peace I do not find,
I'm pretty sure I'll lose my mind.
I pray I find a little quiet
Far from the daily family riot

May I lie back--not have to think
about what they're stuffing down the sink,
or who they're with, or where they're at
and what they're doing to the cat.
I pray for time all to myself
(did something just fall off a shelf?)

To cuddle in my nice, soft bed
(Oh no, another goldfish--dead!)
Some silent moments for goodness sake
(Did I just hear a window break?)
And that I need not cook or clean--
(well heck, I've got the right to dream)

Yes now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my wits about me keep,
But as I look around I know--
I must have lost them long ago!
~Author Unknown

I know we haven't experienced a lot of these things, such as the dead goldfish or the cats being tortured, but I can totally relate to the lack of sleep. And I can only imagine what it is going to be like when Hannah and Hailey get older, especially if we throw a little brother or sister in the mix a few years down the road.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Cheesey Chicken Spaghetti

Now that my mom is not here cooking for us for a few more days...I have to cook. It is only fair that I do the cooking with Jake being gone coaching practice or games, but I still don't like to cook. So I have turned to for inspiration. (Please know recipes are not the only thing I look for, and yes I am quite addicted to this website.)

I found an easy croc pot recipe that even Jake thought looked good. With it being a game night, and it only taking a few hours to cook (but so much longer to get in the croc pot with two little girls that don't want to sleep when I want them to) we decided we should try it.

Crockpot Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
Serves 12 ( one cup each)

16 oz. dry spaghetti, cooked
1 lb. Velveeta Light (2%)Cheese
12.5 oz can chicken breast, drained & flaked
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
10 oz. can diced tomatoes
4 oz can mushroom stems & pieces, drained
1/2 cup water1 small onion,
diced1 med. green pepper, diced
salt & pepper to taste

Spray slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray. Combine all ingredients in slow cooker and stir to mix well. Cook on LOW for 2-3 hours. Stir again just before serving.

So far, after getting it all in the croc pot, it looks delicious! I am very excited to try it when Jake gets home from their game.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Looking back over 2011

Our year at a glance...

*Basketball leads to Districts, Regionals, and eventually to State.

*Breakdown for the millionth time that our attempts to get pregnant didn't work. We decide to make the next big step and do Invetro.
*BE Tigers win 5th place in the State Tournament

*Eggs harvested, fertilized and 2 implanted on the 29th.

*On the 12th of April we found out we were going to be parents!
* TWINS! We find out we are having not one but two miracles

*Trip to Forks for the weekend. (And yes, we got a picture of me by the "Welcome to Forks" sign)
*Jake is going to be the head coach for the Tiger boys basketball team starting in the 2011-2012 season.

*Bring on the baby, furniture, ect.
*Summer BE Blaze basketball is in full swing.
*Jake's family visit for a weekend.

*To lake Coeur d'Alene for the 4th.
*Invitations go out to friends and family for the surprise 40th Wedding Anniversary Party for my parents.
* Girls! We are having twin girls! Hannah and Hailey
*I become the God Mother to one of the most wonderful and amazing little girls Alex.

*Jake and I celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary on the 11th.
*Jake turns the big 30 and we have a party for him with friends and family out at the lake.
*Spend hours at the fabric store with my mom picking out material for the girls room.
*Family visit, for some reason all the same week. (See next line for reason...)
*Surprise party for my parents. 40 happy years! (both mom and dad had NO idea!)
*Start planning the baby shower for our girls with my best friend Ami and my Mommy

*Start getting the girls room put together. (Ordered cribs and changing table. Got butterflies up all over the room. Ect.)
*School starts for Jake
*Continue stocking up on baby supplies (especially diapers :0)

*God Daughter turns 1 year old
* Baby shower in Spokane with all our friends and family
*Put together crib.
*Wash a seemingly endless amount of baby clothes.
*Wonder how much longer until I am not able to work...
*Have baby shower in Burlington with girls from work and a few of my friends (Thanks Katina!)
*Visit Ikia for the first time while Jake goes to the Cougar game in Seattle with my dad and brother.
*Baby shower in Bellevue with family from Seattle and Portland
*Starting to feel ready for the girls to be born.

*Put on part time at work due to high blood pressure.
*Tiger basketball season starts.
*Done working again due to high bp
*November 22nd put on strict bed rest until appointment on the 23rd again due to high (160 something/115) bp.
*Call mom and dad the 22nd and tell them to come over a day early...we will probably meet these girls the next day.
*23rd, 1pm appointment. Bp still really high and not going down. Doctor worried about long weekend...we go to the hospital that day.
*3pm we meet my parents and brother in the parking lot at the hospital and get checked it.
*5pm the Doctor is ready to deliver the girls.
*5:39pm Hannah is born.
*5:41pm Hailey is born.
*Our lives are changed forever in those few minuets.
*We entered the hospital a family of 2, and on the 27th we leave a family of 4.

*Getting use to life with two little babies. (Constant feedings and no sleep)
*Forever grateful for my mom staying and helping us.
*Stephen (my little brother) asked Caitlin to be his wife!
*BE Tigers win their first 6 games of the season!
*Jake gets a few full nights sleep before he joins the girls and I in Spokane for Christmas.
*The girs meet their Great Grandma, aka GG, and cousins, my best firend, my God daughter Alex, and lots of other people.
*Christmas at my parents house.
*Back home and on our own for the first time.
*Hailey, at 5 1/2 weeks rolls from her tummy to her back...over and over. (I'm not ready for that)
*Jake and I celebrate the end of the best year of our life sitting on the couch, watching the ball drop in New York on the tv, with a glass of wine (that froze) listening to the noises of our little girls while they sleep on the monitor.

2011 brought a ton of challenges and miracles. We are so grateful for the past year and the new members of our family. I can't wait to see what the year 2012 brings the Martyn family!!

Meeting our Great Grandma

When we found out we were pregnant last April, one of my biggest fears was that our baby/babies wouldn't get to meet Jake's Grandma. The entire pregnancy she was in and out of the hospital for one thing or another. I was afraid something would happen and she would pass away before the girls were born.

Thankfully that didn't happen!

On our trip back to Spokane for Christmas we got to introduce Hannah and Hailey to her for the first time! At first I didn't really understand why Jake wanted me to wait for him to be there but when we walked in the door and I saw both of their expressions...I knew. He was so proud to show them off to her.

Below Dolly, aka GG, is holding Hailey for the first time.

And here she is holding Hannah for the first time.

I know Christmas in everyone's family is crazy, especially if there are kids involved. Our Christmas Eve at Jake's sisters house was no different. With the kids running around, opening packages, screaming with was crazy to say the least. But we did make sure we stopped at took a few family pictures at the end of the night. (That reminds me, I need to email my mother-in-law these pictures :O)

The picture below is one of my favorite pictures from our whole trip. Its of Dolly (GG) with her daughter Chiere (my mother-in-law). Along with Jake and Trena, Dolly's Grandchildren. And then we have Noah, Nathan, Faith, Hannah and Hailey; Dolly's 5 GREAT Grandchildren. 4 generations in one picture. I love it!
So here is to family. Be thankful for them and never take family for granted.