Monday, October 31, 2011

33 weeks

Wow, ok. So how much have I missed posting. There just never seems to be enough time in a day. Between work, sleep, eating, peeing, and more sleep.

After our doctors appointment today I figured this would be a good time. No, no don't worry. Everything is good. We didn't see our normal doctor, Dr. Roland, who's baby was due yesterday and still has not arrived. It was a little weird walking into the other side of the office and not seeing our normal doctor or nurse.

We didn't get to see the babies today, and that is not something I am use to. But we did get to hear both of their heart beats. (One of the most amazing sounds by the way.) Both hearts are strong and healthy. My belly is the same size as a full term pregnancy with one baby. So that explains why I am so uncomfortable and I don't expect that to get any better any time soon.

Our lower little one, Baby "A" also known as Hannah, is still head up. I'm not sure if at this point there is any room for her to turn around. So, because of that and a few other reasons, we scheduled a c-section for December 13th. I'm not sure if we will make it that long but we sure are going to try.

As of right now I am only working 4 hours a day and we hope that will help keep these little girls keep "cooking" as long as possible. And as much as I want to be done being being pregnant, I want the girls to be healthy and not have to stay in the hospital at all. I would love to be able to bring them home with us when I get to leave. Fingers crossed!

Well, I think that's it. I will try to update more often. Here is to 5 more weeks :O)

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