Friday, May 31, 2013

Cloud dough

I am always looking for fun things for the girls and I to do together. Unfortunately, a lot of the days over here are spent in doors due to bad weather. That and it seems we have had on cold or flu after another. 

I am also looking for activities to do that don't make a crazy mess, and something we could do without having to find and pull out all of my craft supplies. I'm not even entirely sure what box in the garage most of the stuff is in. Pinterest led me to cloud dough. 
Easy: flour and baby oil. The recipe I found was 8 cups flour to 1 cup baby oil. Not knowing if the girls would like it I did half (4 to 1/2) but I didn't like the texture so I added another 1/2 cup oil and about another 1/2 cup of flour. 
It's a rather wired mix but I think the girls will like it. Now I jut have to wait for them to get up from their nap to try it out. So far I've had fun playing :)

Cloud dough II

I thought for sure Cloud Dough would be a hit with Hannah & Hailey ...but I guess not. The girls really wanted nothing to do with the dough. 

Hannah would touch it, but only because I did too

And really, she was much happier carrying it, along with many many rocks from the little table to the steps. 

All the while Hailey is walking back and forth saying "More bubble more bubble"

Hailey could care less about the cloud dough. 

Oh well. I'm definitely glad I only did 4 1/2 cups of flour rather then the whole 8. I guess we will try again in a couple days. Maybe with dada

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

House for sale

We absolutely love our house. It is our first home. Where we brought our girls home to. And where we have tons of memories. But we have sadly outgrown our 3bdr, 2bath, 1220sq ft house. There isn't enough room for family to come visit. It gets cramped even with one extra person, let alone 2 or 6 more. We just don't fit any longer, plane and simple.

When this house sells I will be sad. We picked the paint, the floor, the fixtures (well some of them) and have made this our home.
I love the Christopher Robin green in the girls room! I love the "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" above out bed! I love our out of place, passed down pictures by our kitchen table! I do love this house. And I will definitely miss it. 

But I am also looking forward to a larger house. A house that is big enough to have family visit. Where my parents can come and stay for more then just a day or so and not feel like they are walking all over each other in the tiny room. We want to have a play room for the girls and a scrapbook room for me. I'm prett sure Jake is tired of always having scrapbook stuff out in the dining room. (It's all packed away right now, but I find myself wanting to sit down and scrapbook or craft of some sort)

With selling a house and having little kids, aka twinsdos, it has been a challenge keeping our house clean. Someone walked through our house this Sunday, and I know there were random toys thati just didn't get picked up here or there. But oh well, they are buying the house not the stuff in it, right? Lets hope someone sees it that way and likes this house as much as we do :) I'm ready for new...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Breakfast breakfast breakfast!

I am standing in my kitchen waiting for breakfast to cook. The girls are I'm the living room watching their favorite show, Caillou, and Jake is down in Marysville with the BE Blaze first summer basketball tournament of the season. 

Normally we have scrambled eggs, banana or some other fruit and toast...boring right? Today I'm mixing it up and trying my hand at French toast. I'm pretty sure I have NEVER med French toast before. Waffles yes. Pancakes, I'm pretty sure. But waffles, no. And apparently I'm not doing a good job either, just burned one. Oh well. First of many I'm sure.

So, as I'm standing here, I get to thinking that I need more ideas for breakfast. So...where do I start? My cook books are all packed in a box someplace in our garage as we are trying to sell our house and our kitchen is pretty small so everything had to come off the counters. (Oh! Blog idea just popped into my head.) anyway, cookbooks won't work as a resource. Pinterest, totally. Maybe, but I usually don't find anything I like on that website. 

Hailey deciding if the French toast is worth a try or not:

Hannah testing the toast:

Well, I guess I better get looking. Not sure French toast was a hit with the girls. Even with a little bit of butter and powdered sugar. Oh well. Needless to say, I'm open to suggestions, because that looks pretty good to me!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Time has disappeared

18months ago today, my little girls were born. I'm not sure how the last 18mo have gone so fast, but they have. The girls are now crazy, running, sweet, loving adorable little girls. And they are the loves of my life. ( Along with their father of course :) I can't imagine my world with out them.

With that being said, I am returning to the blogging world. I was away for so long using the excuse that I didn't have time, and honestly there are tons of things I should be doing right now. But, I am taking this time for ME. And I hope to continue taking time for me, recording my thoughts, thinking things out on "paper" and recording the journey we call life.

So, here's to the start of a new, or rather rekindled relationship with my blog.