On Saturday Trena and I went to Starbucks to get Chiere some coffee. We got ourselves coffee too :O) But during the car ride we talked a lot about the up coming invetro process. It is very overwhelming to say the least. It was great to have someone to talk to about it all. One thing she did ask, that to be honest I was not expecting, made me think a little.
She asked if we were preparing for this process not to work. Emotionally. I wasn't really sure how to answer that question. I was stumped, and still am. I am not thinking that this will not work. It will. We have had so much disappointment over the last 3 years that this just feels like it will work. It feels like this is what we were meant to do. Everything has just fallen into place. Why would it not work, right?
Unfortunately there is a chance that it wont. We have great odds for this working. Chiere, my mother-in-law was telling me about a young couple she knows that used IVF to get pregnant. And while it didn't work at first, it did work after a few tries. This lady was a little older then me and they were only given about a 30% chance...and it still worked. We have more then double the chance of it working and that makes me very hopeful.
I am not sure if this is something I will be able to handle not working. Not by myself at least. I know there is that possibility. I do know that. Jake knows that too. But while there is a possibility of it not working there is an even larger possibility that it will work. And we do have tons and tons of support from our friends and family.
I even had a great friend of mine ask if she could come up and cook with me before the big day to fill our freezer so that I wont even have to think about cooking for those two weeks. She even asked if she could come clean! Not that I would ever let you clean my house Esther, but it warms my heart that you would ask. Thank you so much for being such a big support for me. I would love some of the recipes that are great for freezing that you were talking about. What an amazing friend I found after years of not talking :O)
I have my first of several ultra sounds on Tuesday March 8th at 8:30 am. So until then I will just be getting myself ready for this process. Both mentally and physically...they say by time the fertilized embryos are implanted I will probably gain 5 pounds. Not excited about that, for the record. But it will sooo be worth it in the end.
This will work. But still food for thought.
"Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can."
~Unknown Author.
I can't imagine how far away that must seem or how difficult that wait will be for you. I will have you in my thoughts and prayers.
You know I am always here if you need me!! :)
Thoughts and prayer here too. Wouldn't all that girls time be fun? Are you sure you want to pass that up??
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