Jake goes back to work in T-minus 9 days! On a normal work day he will leave the house at 7ish and get home about 6ish. That's 11 hours of just me and the girls. And a game night into the mix and he wont get home until 10pm or later. It is going to make for long days for the next few months, until the end of basketball.
Even today, with only practice, Jake was gone from 11:30 until after 3pm. So what do I do when both girls are hungry? Depends...

Sometimes I have to let one of them cry. Other times I am creative enough to feed both of them at the same time. Not really sure how, but I was able to feed both the girls with one between my legs while sitting indian-style and the other on my left leg. The picture above is how they were sitting without the bottles (I haven't figured out how to take a picture, hold both girls, and give them their bottles.)
I love my little girls :O) They sure keep my busy and are constantly challenging me.
Love the dresses;/)
You guys are "getting it figured out"--because they are your little girls. That is what being a parent means.
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