Its been no secret that my blood pressure has been high over the last few weeks. And high might be an understatement. On Tuesday November 22nd I had a doctors appointment. It happened to be the first of all our prenatal appointments that Jake wasn't able to go to. And of course, luck would have it, that this would turn out to be the most important appointment.
My blood pressure was up, and way up this visit. I can't remember exactly what it was but if I recall correctly it was 160 something/115. It didn't even drop when I would lay down on my left side, and normally it did. They checked some other things and sent me home with an appointment for the next day, November 23rd at one o'clock, and strict instructions to do absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing as in actual bed rest. Only getting up to go to the bathroom and nothing else.
So I sent Jake a txt message while he was at work letting him know what was going on. I also told him that he HAD to be at the appointment the next day. Good thing it was the day before Thanksgiving and he only had a half day, basketball practice was going to have to be done by the assistant coaches. It was sooooo hard to stay in bed that night. Other then a headache I felt fine. Plus after a few hours I was already board. I have no idea how people do bed rest for more than a few days let alone weeks. But I did. Jake made dinner and the next day we went to the doctors.
Again my blood pressure was up. And again I don't recall the exact numbers but they were high. Along with everything else and it being a long weekend, the office was closed from Thursday until the following Monday, we decided it was best to deliver the Girls. Our doctor didn't want me having seizures and the doctor on call having to try to figure out what was going on. It was so much better for me to deliver them then rather then push it. So that was that. We were on our way to the hospital.
The "emergency" c-section was scheduled for 5:30pm on Wednesday November 23rd. We had about 45 min before we had to be at the hospital so we went home, made sure the cats had food, called our parents, and some friends, and away we went. To the hospital where we would enter a family of 2 and leave a family of 4. Never again to be the same, with our lives and hearts forever changed.
My parents were on their way to Burlington knowing it was a great possibility we would have to have the girls that day. We called them and told them just to meet them at the hospital. They actually beat us there by a minuet or two. We all walked into the hospital and up the elevator to Labor and Delivery together. It was such an amazing feeling to know that we had so much support with us. I'm glad they could be there.
I got all checked in (like it was a hotel or something) and ready to go. My parents and Jake were able to come in and visit me in our enormous room. I really wish we had gotten a picture of the whole room, it was big and the corner room. Now it was just time to wait until the doctor got to the hospital. (I have some pictures from when we were waiting for the doctor to get there, I will post them in a few days when I have some more energy, but more on that later.) He actually got there about 45 min early so we got to go back to the operating room at 5:15pm or so.

Above is a picture of Jake and I ready to go back to the operating room to meet our little girls! I think the scariest part was knowing that Jake wasn't going to be there in the room with me until everything was ready. He couldn't be there when I got the spinal block and that scared me. Good thing there were an amazing group of people there with me to help me.
Our nurse, and I can't remember her name right now, was awesome. When I started to cry and get upset because I was scared, she told me it was going to be ok. And not just the typical "Its going to be ok." Somehow it was different and I truly believed her. She said she had been through a c-section herself and knew what I was feeling. It helped to know that. But I made it though the worst part, my feet got warm and numb, they laid me down, and put up the famous blue curtain. The next thing I knew Jake was in there and we were ready to go.
Of course I didn't feel a thing, not even any pressure as they say. It was rather easy. I remember hearing Hannah cry for the first time. I can't even describe how happy that made me. She was healthy. Scored a 9 on the APGAR test even! Jake started to smile and laugh at this point. And then when we heard Hailey, oh man. That was it. I was the happiest woman in the world at that point. Both our girls, even though they were a little early, were healthy. Both scoring that wonderful 9 on the APGAR.
Jake lost it and started laughing even more. He was way beyond excited at that moment.
They brought over each little girl so we could see them and then took the girls and Jake to the warmers. Later Jake told me that he saw the placenta laying on the floor. Can we say gross? That is more than enough to gross someone out, let alone a guy. The next thing I knew Jake was back and was holding Hailey for me to see. I remember kissing her little cheek and wanting to be able to hold her soooo bad. He brought Hannah over next. And then all of them were off to the nursery for their first bath and so that mommy could get put back together. It was really hard laying there all by myself while Jake and the girls were in another room.
It seemed like it took forever to be stitched and stapled back together. During the process my stomach got upset from all the medication and I ended up vomiting a few times. Once while I was being rolled to my room even. It was not fun at all. Once we got back into the room, Jake visited me for a little bit. Even though I wanted him in the room with me, I wanted him with the girls even more. I would be ok and they needed him.

And before I knew it, all three of them were back in our room with me. Mommy, Daddy, Hannah and Hailey...finaly a family!
I love your blog! I think u should be a writer.
had to skim through cause i almost started balling! so happy for you guys!
darn this thing it posted it before i could put my name
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