Even today, with only practice, Jake was gone from 11:30 until after 3pm. So what do I do when both girls are hungry? Depends...

I love my little girls :O) They sure keep my busy and are constantly challenging me.
I finally figured out how to get the videos from our camera. We have tons of short videos from in the hospital when the girls were first born. '
One of my favorite videos is of Hannah getting her first bath, actually her 2nd. But its the first one I was there for. You can hear me asking tons of questions, first time parent and all. Thankfully the nurse that night was awesome at explaining things to me. Giving your child a bath for the first time is a little scary. Well, at least I found it scary.
Unfortunately that video is to large to load. So here are videos of both girls getting baths last night. As part of our routine we started on Monday, they get a bath each night after about 30min of tummy time. I was expecting there to be lots of screaming during the bath. I've heard about a lot of babies that don't like baths, who in turn just scream bloody murder throughout the entire bath. Hannah and Hailey on the other hand seem to love it. It really does calm them down.
It calms the girls down while providing Mommy time where they get my undivided attention. I love those moments where its just me and my girls. I can't wait to have many more Mommy time moments with both Hannah and Hailey!
Above is a picture of Jake and I ready to go back to the operating room to meet our little girls! I think the scariest part was knowing that Jake wasn't going to be there in the room with me until everything was ready. He couldn't be there when I got the spinal block and that scared me. Good thing there were an amazing group of people there with me to help me.
Our nurse, and I can't remember her name right now, was awesome. When I started to cry and get upset because I was scared, she told me it was going to be ok. And not just the typical "Its going to be ok." Somehow it was different and I truly believed her. She said she had been through a c-section herself and knew what I was feeling. It helped to know that. But I made it though the worst part, my feet got warm and numb, they laid me down, and put up the famous blue curtain. The next thing I knew Jake was in there and we were ready to go.
Of course I didn't feel a thing, not even any pressure as they say. It was rather easy. I remember hearing Hannah cry for the first time. I can't even describe how happy that made me. She was healthy. Scored a 9 on the APGAR test even! Jake started to smile and laugh at this point. And then when we heard Hailey, oh man. That was it. I was the happiest woman in the world at that point. Both our girls, even though they were a little early, were healthy. Both scoring that wonderful 9 on the APGAR.
Jake lost it and started laughing even more. He was way beyond excited at that moment.
They brought over each little girl so we could see them and then took the girls and Jake to the warmers. Later Jake told me that he saw the placenta laying on the floor. Can we say gross? That is more than enough to gross someone out, let alone a guy. The next thing I knew Jake was back and was holding Hailey for me to see. I remember kissing her little cheek and wanting to be able to hold her soooo bad. He brought Hannah over next. And then all of them were off to the nursery for their first bath and so that mommy could get put back together. It was really hard laying there all by myself while Jake and the girls were in another room.
It seemed like it took forever to be stitched and stapled back together. During the process my stomach got upset from all the medication and I ended up vomiting a few times. Once while I was being rolled to my room even. It was not fun at all. Once we got back into the room, Jake visited me for a little bit. Even though I wanted him in the room with me, I wanted him with the girls even more. I would be ok and they needed him.
I absolutely love these pictures. The belly to belly (just above) cracks me up! Too bad Jake didn't push his belly out more :O)
Thank you Jennifer for these amazing memories. And for anyone out there, in the Skagit County area, who needs pictures visit her website.