At our last ultrasound at 19 weeks we were told that both girls are weighting in at a little over 11oz each. In the several books I now own that follow the pregnancy and growth of the little baby say that at 19 weeks, babies usually weigh about 6oz. So the babies are good and healthy, gaining weight like they should and then some.
Now me on the there hand. I have only gained 14lbs in the last 20 weeks. I should be closer to 17 to 20 pounds according to the doctor at this point. I am not that far behind but I feel like I am eating everything I can but still only gaining a little bit. I guess it could be worse...I could have gained 30+ lbs at this point. I am still trying to get in a balanced diet but that has turned out to be harder then I ever would have thought. Especially now that I am not taking any vitamins. The vitamins have not made my stomach up until a few weeks ago. The doctor says that as long as I am getting in a balanced diet she is not worried about taking the vitamins. At least not now. In the 3rd trimester she will for sure want me to take them again. As for now, we try to take 1/2 at a time and try to deal with the upset tummy.
I have been feeling the little girls move all over the place. I think Baby "A" is closer to the surface, if you will. I feel her moving ALL the time. She is the lower one, aka the one who likes to sit on my bladder all day every day. Baby "B" is the one who likes to push on my right rib with either her foot, butt, or head. Needles to say, this mommy is starting to get a little uncomfortable. I know it is only going to get worse as the babies grow bigger and run out of room.
On Sunday afternoon, after I took Jake to the Bellingham airport for a week in California for work, I got to see the coolest thing yet! Baby "B" actually moved my belly! It was the craziest thing to see. It almost looked like I had something from another planet inside me. It was the weirdest and coolest thing ever! I absolutely can not wait until Jake gets to see and feel them move. Soooo can't wait!

So this is what our little ones look like this week. This picture is of course of a set of fraternal twins. You can see the two separate membranes between the babies and the two separate placentas. At our last ultrasound the tech could only find one placenta and one membrane separating the babies. Now it is still possible for that to happen with fraternal twins but more common for identical twins. At this point we have no way of knowing if ours are fraternal (two eggs get fertilized) or identical (one egg splits completely very early on) without doing an amnio. I am not willing to risk the pregnancy in any way shape or form so I will absolutely not doing an amnio. We can however find out if the girls are identical or fraternal twins when they are born with a simple blood test. Although I don't really care one way or the other, it would be fun to know.
This week they are continuing to practice swallowing getting ready for birth. That was one of the things we got to see during the ultrasound last week. It was really cool being able to watch the girls moving around. I do need to post those pictures soon. Baby "A" didn't like having her pictures taken and kept turning over so we couldn't get good pictures of her face. But Baby "B" on the other hand was all sorts of ok with the pictures. I wonder what they will be like when they are born. I am very excited to meet them and see their personalities.
We are going to spend the next week in Coeur d'Alene with family and friends. It will be great to see everyone. I also hope to do some registering for baby showers. This past weekend I was able to get a little, a very little, done getting the two rooms moved around. We have to put the girls in the front room rather then the middle one. So that means moving all the scrapbook things in to the closet. Along with selling the bed and desk from the front room. Getting all the storage boxes out of the middle room. Moving my old trundle bed from my parents house in Spokane over for our guest bed. Moving Jake's huge t-shirt quilt my mom made from one room to the other. And so on and so on. The only part of this I have gotten done is moving the scrapbook things. It fits perfect in the the closet. But, nothing else will fit. It is a huge project and I really need to get it going as soon as possible. Wish me luck!
1 comment:
Yeah... Maybe I should have warned you... Since we approaching the time we are about the same size... I have just over 2 months to go and people are thinking I am just about done. People forget/have no clue how big a pregnant woman gets. And that's with one baby! I love the name plates by the way and your decorating plans. Have a good trip and anniversary!
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