16 weeks
15 weeks (a little late)
The past few weeks have been absolutely crazy busy. Between Jake playing Hoopfest in Spokane, coaching BE summer basketball, me becoming a God-Mother to Alex, and driving back and forth to Spokane to see family over and over. We haven't even had time to clean and do laundry...well at least I haven't. Thank goodness for Jake, other wise our house would be a disaster. Love you babe!
I am still struggling with trying to eat correctly and eat enough for myself and the little babies. I have had a lot of people tell me not to worry about it. But I have also had a good friend who had twins a few years ago tell me that it is important to eat a lot and gain as much as the doc wants me to. I know I will gain the weight. I just want to be healthy for both myself and my little ones.
At 16 weeks, our little ones are about 4 1/2 inches head to rump and weigh about 3 1/2 ounces each. They can hear sounds now. And their digestive systems are working. They are even growing toenails.
What the babies look like at 16 weeks inside my belly...

I haven't stated feeling any movement yet but, being a first time mom, I have no idea what it would feel like. Everyone tells me it will feel like butterflies in your tummy. But I am not worried. I am excited to feel them move though.
Oh, and in 22 days from today....we get to find out what our little ones are. I have started calling one a "he" but nothing for the other. I cannot wait to find out. Can. Not. Wait. I can't wait to finally know so we can decide on decor for the nursery :O)
Fingers crossed for one boy and one girl!
feels like gas if you don't know what your looking for. :)
You are just the cutest pregnant mama ever! I LOVE the belly! I'm SO SO SO sorry that we didn't make it work out this weekend. :( But we'll see you in a couple weeks!
And yes, I second the gas thing. It felt like little gas bubbles to me, or maybe food digesting or something similar. I don't think I felt anything until 18 weeks or so though, but you're almost there! You better tell us as soon as you find out, lady! :)
Fun stuff! The very first time I felt both of my kids it was sort of like taking a finger and pressing it into your skin. Not hard. And of course from the inside! And at first there might be a lot of... Wait was that it? So cool. Can't wait to hear what the babies are!
The boys and I discussed it and Nathan says "2 girls", Noah says one of each and I took the only choice left---2 boys:)
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