Normally getting Jake to take a weekly picture is easy. He might say he doesn't want to, but he does for me. This week I wanted to get a picture with the ever growing belly holding the ultrasound pictures. So I pushed it back to Thursday.
Except Thursday rolled around and we were a little busy. You know, finding out that both our little ones are going to be little girls means a whole lot of phone calls and txt messages. Needless to say the picture didn't get taken on Thursday.
And then Friday was gone.
Saturday was full of an art project I will post pictures of when it is completed. Moving my scrapbook things from their current position to the middle room where they will stay. Putting up new curtains in our bedroom to block out the sun. We also went to the Darius Rucker concert in Tacoma at the casino. It was a great concert but by the time it was over my feet, neck, back, and belly were all tired. I even have blisters on my feet to prove what a long day it was.
That brings us to today, Sunday. I had to take Jake up to the Bellingham airport so he could go to California with the principal and some some teachers for a conference for the next week. We left the house and 6 am and I got back to the house about 7 am. After getting Bella to go back to sleep I was able to sleep for a few more hours. Now I can not keep my eyes open.
Exhausted as I am from our busy week, I am a little disappointed that I didn't get a picture for the 19th week of pregnancy. It is also possible that I wont get a picture for the 20th week either. I hope that isn't the case.
So now off for movie and a nap. More on our little girls later :O)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
2 days! 2 days!
We get to find out what these little bundles of joy are in 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!
2 days!!
Any guesses??
Sunday, July 24, 2011
"Do twins run in your family?"
At work, with the ever-growing belly, customers have started to notice that I am expecting. Some are even brave enough to ask if I am pregnant. One kid, and when I say kid I mean just graduated from high school, said, "Now I know this is a loaded question. But are you pregnant?" It was very cute. You can tell he grew up with sisters and has possibly asked a non-pregnant woman when they were due.
Now other customers on the other hand just stare at my belly. It can actually get a little awkward at times. Usually when that happens I lean back a little in my chair and rub my belly. Its not always so they can see it is actually a baby belly but more to rub a sore spot from all the stretching. At that point, 9 times out of 10, they say something.
I don't mind talking about being pregnant. I love it actually. I even love seeing their reactions when I tell them that I am having twins. I am able to answer most questions. There is just one that I am never sure how to answer.
"Do twins run in your family?"
There are so many ways to go about answering this. I could say that they run in my husbands family, because they do. I could say that I was adopted so I have no idea what runs in my biological family. Or I could tell them that we used fertility treatments to get these little miracles.
There were a handful of customers, my favorites, that knew we were having problems getting pregnant and that we were trying different fertility treatments. It is amazing how many couples have gone through the same thing Jake and I have. Several customers have been very open with their problems and what they had to go thorough. I even had a customer who asked if we did fertility treatments. We spent almost a half an hour talking about her experiences 15 years ago and how things have changed. It is really cool to be able to talk to those customers.
Now the other customers...I never know how to respond. Customers almost become extended family. But some of them, you just don't care to tell them what is going on, how it happened, if it runs in the family or not.
So needless to say, at almost 19 weeks, I still have no idea how to respond to this question. Pretty sure that question is only going to get asked more and more. I might as well get used to it.
Now other customers on the other hand just stare at my belly. It can actually get a little awkward at times. Usually when that happens I lean back a little in my chair and rub my belly. Its not always so they can see it is actually a baby belly but more to rub a sore spot from all the stretching. At that point, 9 times out of 10, they say something.
I don't mind talking about being pregnant. I love it actually. I even love seeing their reactions when I tell them that I am having twins. I am able to answer most questions. There is just one that I am never sure how to answer.
"Do twins run in your family?"
There are so many ways to go about answering this. I could say that they run in my husbands family, because they do. I could say that I was adopted so I have no idea what runs in my biological family. Or I could tell them that we used fertility treatments to get these little miracles.
There were a handful of customers, my favorites, that knew we were having problems getting pregnant and that we were trying different fertility treatments. It is amazing how many couples have gone through the same thing Jake and I have. Several customers have been very open with their problems and what they had to go thorough. I even had a customer who asked if we did fertility treatments. We spent almost a half an hour talking about her experiences 15 years ago and how things have changed. It is really cool to be able to talk to those customers.
Now the other customers...I never know how to respond. Customers almost become extended family. But some of them, you just don't care to tell them what is going on, how it happened, if it runs in the family or not.
So needless to say, at almost 19 weeks, I still have no idea how to respond to this question. Pretty sure that question is only going to get asked more and more. I might as well get used to it.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
18 week pictures

This post is going to be really short. I have just eaten, the tummy is now upset, and Jake wants me to watch a series with him about U.S. history.
The ultra sound pictures are a little hard to see this week.
The first picture is baby 1 facing us. Right before the picture was taken the baby moved its arm. You can see it in the top of the picture.

Baby 2 side view. Can you see his spine near the top?
Belly picture at 18 weeks! I don't really feel like the belly is getting bigger. But the doctor said that I have now caught up to the amount of weight I should be gaining.
The babies are 5 1/2 inches long this week. From what we found out at the ultra sound, they have both their heads up by my bellybutton and their feet are straight down. That's why I am feeling soooo much movement lower. Such a cool feeling.
I will try to post more later, but I am not making and promises :O) Even being in the 18th week I still have not gotten any energy back at all.
I will try to post more later, but I am not making and promises :O) Even being in the 18th week I still have not gotten any energy back at all.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
17 weeks
I feel like I always start these weekly blogs with "I can't believe it is (fill in the blank) weeks." But it is totally true. It seems the weeks are flying by. Hoopefest, 4th of July, and now B-E Blaze at Liberty Lake. In 2 weeks we will get to go back to Spokane and spend a whole week at the lake with my family and Jake's family. I remember trying to decide what week to vacation at Coeur d'Alene back in January...before we got pregnant. And now here we are, into our 17th week.
It just seems amazing that we are almost 1/2 way to meeting these little babies! 1/2 way! Still can't believe it.
At 17 weeks our babies are each about palm-size. About 5 inches long, crown-to-rump. And weigh as much as a turnip, or about 5 ounces. I read some place this weekend that during the 17th and 18th week the go through quite growth spurt. They are forming body fat but still pretty skinny little guys. The What to Expect book says they are practicing sucking and swallowing this week.
The exhaustion hasn't gone away. I always hear that once you get to the 2nd trimester your energy returns. Yeah right. If it is going to happen, I can not wait. I am so ready to have some, even just a little tiny bit after I am done with work. Saturday afternoon I went with Jake to watch the Blaze play a few games. We left Mt Baker high school and I was asleep in the car within 15min. Jake woke me up when we got home, I made it to the couch just in time to fall asleep again. I don't remember eating but remember waking up in the middle of the night to go pee. I was extremely tired to say the least., where are you??? I am ready for you to come back.
Heartburn, oh my goodness the heartburn! 3 times in one night. And the worst part about that is that is not out of the ordinary. Actually, I feel it starting right now. It is getting to the point where I just take a tums after eating. Heartburn is one of the things I am going to talk to Dr. R about when I go in on the 20th for our next ultra sound. The other day it was sooo bad my teeth hurt. No joke. Not a fan of this part of pregnancy.
Another thing I thought would have completely disappeared in the 2nd trimester...nausea. I was extremely lucky and never had any "morning sickness" other then an upset tummy now and then. During the first trimester, and before getting pregnant, I have taken my prenatal vitamins religiously. Now, I can't. I take them every other day. The reason for this...they make me feel like I am going to loose my breakfast. No matter what time of the day, if I have had some thing to eat or not, they always make me feel like poo. Today happened to be a prenatal day. It was a ruff morning. I am not sure how long I need to be taking these and I will surly ask Dr. R about this as well. I know I am going to hear from a lot of people that I need to take them the whole time. On days I don't take the prenatal I still take a multi vitamin. And if the doc says I have to take them the whole time then I will.
July 28th, two weeks from today, we get to find out what our little ones are! Boys? Girls? One of each? I am really looking forward to knowing. Not just to know...but so we can finally decide how to decorate the nursery. I am toying with a few ideas but nothing that Jake is really excited about. I would love to do a 100 Acres Woods theme with a big maple tree in the corner, falling leaves around the room, Pooh characters around the room, and so on. But Jake, not so much liking that idea. Jake thinks it is to "little kid-ish" We will probably end up doing blue, cream and brown for a boy. And pink, cream and brown for a girl. And I do like that idea too, dots around the room, 100's of ways to do the bedding, and so on. Who knows. We still have lots of time.
Anyone have any guesses?? My mother-in-law and my two nephews have a small bet going. Noah thinks we will have one of each. Nathan thinks two girls. And Chiere, my mother-in-law, thinks two boys. I guess there is a 5 cent bet between the 3 of them :O) I personally am hoping for one boy and one girl!
This afternoon, I was talking to one of the girls at work and I just stop talking and grab my belly. She gets a crazy worried look on her face and asks if I am ok. I think the only thing I can get out is "I. Think. So." There was a feeling. Kind of a bomp. And then, maybe 30 seconds later, another one. I have heard from sooo many people that feeling the baby kick can feel like so many different things. From butterflies, to a tummy grumble, to gas. But when I told Nicole, my co-worker, what I felt she screamed "It was a baby!!" Apparently the bomp is exactly what she felt the first few times. I was a little surprised to feel that, if it was what I think it was, at 17 weeks.
I can not wait for Jake to be able to feel them. He is over in Spokane with his basketball team this weekend so I couldn't just come home and jump up and down and tell him. When I called they were playing a game and I wanted to tell him right away so I left a voice mail. He called me back an hour or so later. I could hear it in his voice that he was extremely excited. He will get to feel them soon enough :O)
Oops, its almost 10pm and I haven't made lunch for tomorrow. Better go get that done and then get off to bed. I need all the sleep I can get. On to week 18. And only 20 or so weeks until we get to meet our twins!
Monday, July 11, 2011
13 week ultra sound
Almost 3 weeks late...but here are the ultra sound pictures we got at 13 weeks 6 days. Sorry this took so long.
Both babies...the only thing the doc could get into the same picture is their heads
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The newest craving
So far, in this 16 week journey, I haven't had any food cravings. Not yet.
But...right now, I am really craving a swim in a pool. The weather isn't even that nice. The temp is maybe 70, so this craving is not because of the heat.
I just want to go swimming darn it.
But...right now, I am really craving a swim in a pool. The weather isn't even that nice. The temp is maybe 70, so this craving is not because of the heat.
I just want to go swimming darn it.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
How can we be 15 weeks already?
Actually no, how can it be 16 weeks already?!? I have no idea where the past 16 weeks have gone. Absolutely no idea. I remember finding out on the 12th of April that we were pregnant. The happiest, scariest, most exciting day of my life. Now 12 weeks later I still have the same emotions running through me each and every time I think about the twins and how fast they are growing. Or fast I am growing.

16 weeks
15 weeks (a little late)
The past few weeks have been absolutely crazy busy. Between Jake playing Hoopfest in Spokane, coaching BE summer basketball, me becoming a God-Mother to Alex, and driving back and forth to Spokane to see family over and over. We haven't even had time to clean and do laundry...well at least I haven't. Thank goodness for Jake, other wise our house would be a disaster. Love you babe!
I am still struggling with trying to eat correctly and eat enough for myself and the little babies. I have had a lot of people tell me not to worry about it. But I have also had a good friend who had twins a few years ago tell me that it is important to eat a lot and gain as much as the doc wants me to. I know I will gain the weight. I just want to be healthy for both myself and my little ones.
At 16 weeks, our little ones are about 4 1/2 inches head to rump and weigh about 3 1/2 ounces each. They can hear sounds now. And their digestive systems are working. They are even growing toenails.
What the babies look like at 16 weeks inside my belly...

I haven't stated feeling any movement yet but, being a first time mom, I have no idea what it would feel like. Everyone tells me it will feel like butterflies in your tummy. But I am not worried. I am excited to feel them move though.
Oh, and in 22 days from today....we get to find out what our little ones are. I have started calling one a "he" but nothing for the other. I cannot wait to find out. Can. Not. Wait. I can't wait to finally know so we can decide on decor for the nursery :O)
Fingers crossed for one boy and one girl!
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