We are now officially 9 weeks. Getting here has been an interesting experience to say the least. There were many many many times I never thought this would happen. Now that it has, it is the most amazing thing ever! The best part is I know it is only going to get better!!
This afternoon we had our 2nd ultra sound. And I have pictures...of course :O)

Above is baby 1

And both of our little Strawberries right next to each other.
Both of the babies look really good. Doc says their heartbeat looks great. And they are right where they should be as far as growth goes. At one point during the ultra sound baby 2 was moving all over the place! It was maybe the coolest thing I have ever seen! I know there will be other things I experience during this amazing journey, but this was pretty darn awesome!! It is amazing how a thing so little like a movement can make a person so happy.
I absolutely cant wait for our next appointment in a month to see how these little ones have grown. We now have an area on the fridge dedicated to just ultra sound pictures. Eventually they will go in a scrapbook, but in the mean time I like looking at them all the time.
One last picture...the first official belly picture taken in Forks, Wa on our trip to visit everything Twilight. This picture was taken at 8 weeks and 5 days. It is a little hard to tell...but there is definitely a belly starting there :O)
One last picture...the first official belly picture taken in Forks, Wa on our trip to visit everything Twilight. This picture was taken at 8 weeks and 5 days. It is a little hard to tell...but there is definitely a belly starting there :O)
They are beautiful and so are you:)
Roch! I am so excited for you two! I understand its been a long journey and now you have been blessed in more ways than one! You deserve the world and Congratulations from the Rygula's! We love you and thanks for sharing all the wonderful news along the way. You are kinda making me rethink my lifestyle~lol I miss you
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