The friends. And boyfriends. The drama. And the rumors. The gymnastics shirts you are sure you paid for and now you can't remember. First kisses and breakups. The fights with parents, friends, and boyfriends. And that's not counting the school work. Getting good grades. Oh, and yes, going to high school where your mother works. Turning 18. And then 21. Growing up.
In looking back over the past 13 years or so I find myself wondering where time went. It really doesn't seem like we graduated over 10 years ago. And what do I have to show for it...? I'm working at a bank in an entry level position and I'm not really excited to say that. I thought by now I would have a career, not just a pay check. I thought I would have something I really liked to do. I thought I would be higher then entry level. So, what am I going to do about it? That's the big question in the Martyn household right now. A question I hope to figure out soon.
But other then employment I am very happy with my life. I have a great husband. A house. Two sometimes annoying but loving cats. I do have a job, even if its just a paycheck. We have almost everything we want. And I get to see my family all the time. I would say we have a pretty good life here in Burlington.
I was afraid that everyone would brag about what they had, what they did, how famous they were, and so on at the reunion. But no one really did. It was really good to see everyone. I am amazed at how many people I didn't really know in high school that are now some of my closest friends...thank you facebook.

We went to a dive bar on Friday, cruised Lake Coeur d'Alene on Saturday, and hung out with some good friends that night. It was like our own little reunion. We even had a BIG bug try to join our conversation twice. Thank goodness Kellie was there to save it :O) But it was good to just sit around and talk about high school and beyond. It was good to remember those classes that we loved, and the ones that we hated.

I am very thankful we were able to get together Saturday night.
It was by far the best part of the weekend.
I look forward to seeing everyone again soon.
I don't want to wait another 10 years.
Hey, I think its a rare person that even has any idea with any specifics what they want to do when they grow up until around the age of 25! And even then it's just a starting to figure it out. I am not doing what I though I'd be doing, neither is Steve. Don't worry about it. Just ask yourself, what makes me come alive? And then find a way to do that - whether it's as your career or something you do on the side. Oh and it took me quite some time to figure out what makes me come alive, so don't worry if you don't know right away - it's good to just start asking the question.
Hey - for goodness sake did you really have to mention the gymnastics shirts on the BLOG? I seriously don't remember the specifics about that. Sorry for badgering you....I think. :)
And uh - I'm a mom with a biology degree and some student loan debt. There is no magic age for figuring it out. I hope you find it. Then you can tell me the secret ;)
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