I thought I would share some pictures of my afternoon, especially being that I haven't posted a real blog post for some time.
This is where I want to put my garden. Its going to take a lot of work before we can do any planting but this is where it will go. First all the gravel has to be removed and then I need to find something to hold the dirt in. I want it to be raised a little so I was thinking wood, you know the stuff that is rounded with two flat sides? I think that would be best. We will be able to look out the kitchen window and see our garden. I cant wait!
A few weeks ago I was at Walmart, to get New Moon actually, and found myself wandering around the garden area. I found this thing...not sure what to call it...that had little disks of dirt. Oh, kind of a greenhouse thing. But anyway, and I got it home, put some water in it and was a little disappointed there were no seeds already in the dirt. So on my grocery trip today I picked up several packs of seeds.
I got tomatos, pumpkins, lettuce, cabbage, and parsley. Along with corn, sun flowers, red sun flowers, some leafy things, and what else? I got a few small flowers, peas, and a few other things I cant remember right now. It was kind of fun playing in the dirt and planting them. I can't wait to get the garden area ready and to see the little plants start to grow.
I plan on taking pictures along the way of the little guys growing and when we get the garden area ready. I'm really excited to see it all together. I think the garden outside will be our project next weekend. Well at least I hope so, I still have to talk to Jake about it so we will see. I will keep you posted though.
The other thing I did today was get some canvas drawers to try to get a handle on my scrapbook area. I love to scrapbook but to be honest I have not done anything for a long time. I think our honeymoon book was the last one I did, I am so behind and I hope to be able to catch up on it soon. But in the mean time I had to do something to organize all of my stuff as best as I could. 
I realize now that I should have taken a before and after picture so you could see the difference. I know its not much but it is 100% better then it was less then an hour ago. I think Jake will like it. I sure hope at least.
So funny story: These are Bella's favorite toy. We keep a basket full of toys between the dinning room and the kitchen full of toys for Milo and Bella. It is so cute to see them look for the toy they want, who said cats don't have personalities was WAY wrong. Milo likes the fluffy mice and Bella likes these...hair bands. I always wondered where she put them all, they just seem to disappear all the time and I was starting to worry that she might be eating them. When I started the 'organize scrapbook stuff' project I found these. A lot of them, maybe 20 or so. I thought it was pretty funny so I couldn't resist a picture.
Well, I'm off to finish the rest of the laundry, close the windows or my fingers and toes are going to freeze, and change the album on the iPod (I've listened to this one maybe 5 or 6 times already today.) I am also hopping to try cooking asparagus for the first time. I found a great recipe on weightwatchers.com for Lemon-Ginger Asparagus and I'm really excited to try it. Wish me luck :O)
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