Jake and were standing in line at Fred meyer a few days ago. While I wait for the lady in front of us to be done, I naturally look around. This is one of the magazines I see. 

Here's the thing...WHO CARES?!? Why is the weight of an actress important? Fat. Thin. Big boobs. No boobs. And so on. Why is this something the public cares about?
Normally I would just look right past something like this. But that day, I just couldn't. I decided I didn't want to wear my low cut swimsuit from last year.
Mistake. Big mistake.
I had tried on suit after suit. A size 14 was to small. It has been no secret that over the past year I have struggled to lose weight. It took 5 months to lose 10 pounds. That's less then 1 pound a week. Can we say frustrating?
Ok, back to the picture. Who says a woman has to be skinny? The media, that's who. We see skinny women all over, magazines, advertisements, movies, tv shows, and so on.
I remember watching the movie Pitch Perfect wondering why it was ok to have a charecter named "Fat Amy". I also remember being sadded at her response to why she called herself that. It was something to the effects of "You are just going to call me fat behind my back..."
It's true. It's totally true. We, especially us women, judge others. But I think we judge ourselves more harshly then we do other women. And it's all because of things like this magazine cover.
I am not looking forward to the day one of my girls comes home crying because another little girl made fun of her...but I know it will happen. It always happens. I just hope I can raise my girls to not judge based on weight, or skin color, or religios beliefs, or every other thing we are all judged on.
I hope my girls grow up to love themselves as well. I struggle with weight, but I try to eat healthy and excersise. I don't want them to grow up thinking those are the only things that are important. It's about being happy with yourself. Being healthy. Who you are inside. NOT how much you weigh.