Hannah banana, that's who!
Just like sister, Hannah has been growing like crazy! From the day she was born, she watches everything and everyone. And is ok with just sitting back and relaxing.
She is such a strong little girl and loves to show off how well she holds up her head! She gets better at it every day too :O) One of the new things Hannah likes to do is sit while I'm holding her hands helping her sit. Because of possible teething, she also likes to suck on my finger while sitting up.
We gave Hannah some rice cereal on Feb 23rd while we were in Spokane at Grandmother and Grandpadad's. She knew exactly what to do. And she loves it! She has decided that when we put sweet potatoes in with the rice it is soooo much better. Hannah knows when we put her in the high chair, and the bib on, that she will be getting "mush" as Jake calls it. It makes her a very happy girl!
We put Hannah in the bumbo near the end of February. And even though Hannah loves to hold her head up on her own, really didn't like the bumbo. Not sure why, but she doesn't. Oh well. Maybe she will later this month.
We were so excited when she slept 7 hours in one stretch on the 2nd of March. And then...she slept 9 hours on the 6th!!! Yep, our little Hannah who I thought would never sleep more than 4 or 5 hours, slept for 9 hours! But I kept waking up, thinking both girls were waking up too. I think I checked on Hannah 3 or 4 times that night. Thankfully, she likes to sleep about 7 to 8 hours on average every night.
Lets go back a day or to though, to the 4th of March. Hannah woke up at 4:30am for a bottle. Normally she goes right back to sleep. But not this night, she had decided she didn't want to go back to sleep. At 4:30am, I was absolutely exhausted. Not wanting to put Hannah back in bed only to wake up sister, I put her under the "jungle" and turned on the lights. Hannah had so much fun playing, and laughing, and squealing, and wiggling, that mommy really didn't mind being up that early. Hannah loves the jungle very much. A lot of times she wiggles her little bum so much that she wiggles right off the edge of the mat. About an hour later Hannah was tired and we all went back to bed.
Daddy got to hear Hannah laugh for the first time on the 7th while they were getting ready for a bath. Daddy holds both of her hands, gets his face really close to hers, and they both wiggle. It was really cute :O)
One thing that I can't decide if I'm excited about or not...Hannah has found her thumbs! Not that she really knows what to do with them, but once in a while she gets just a thumb in her mouth and she tries to suck on it. Binky...thumb...not sure if it really matters. She still likes to have a binky to help her fall asleep. Either way, as long as she is happy.
Yesterday, just before getting ready for a bath, we were all playing on mommy and daddy's bed. I was holding sister Hailey, and daddy was holding you. We were holding the two of you so you were face to face standing up. As soon as you saw each other, you both started to smile and giggle at each other. It was the first time you acknowledged your sister! It was really cool! (Yes, I know this same story was in Hailey's post. But when I use these posts in a book later, I want this story in Hannah's too.)
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You are growing up so fast my little Hannah! Mommy loves watching you grow and learn. I can't believe you are 4 months old already! I can't wait to look back on this time when you were so little, with you when you are older.
Mommy loves you very much!