Do you remember being younger and looking for some thing to eat in the fridge? Not being able to find anything to eat? And yelling "Mooooom, there is nothing to eat!" More and more I feel like doing the same thing. We never seem to have anything that sounds good to eat in our house. And I am not one to cook up some thing without planning if at all.
At the doctors office this afternoon they weighed me like normal. And my weight is up. But just a few pounds. The doc said i should be up a little more then I am but she is not concerned. One thing she said though made me worrie...she said that she was fine with my little weight gain being that my tummy has been upset and all. But what worries me a little is that it hasn't really been upset. Not enough for me not to eat. And usually it is upset because I hadn't eaten yet. I feel like I eat all the time. But I think I am more watching what I eat, not amount wise, but I am trying to eat healthier. For both me and the twins. I really wish my mommy lived closer so I could eat her cooking more often :O)
So now that I am married and away from my mommy's cooking what I say has changed. It is now "Babeeeeee, there is nothing to eat!" and "Noooo, that doesn't sound goooood!" Thanks for being there and always finding something for me to eat babe. Are you ready for the next 6 months? And me wanting random things at crazy hours of the night?
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
So frustrated
Here I am, on a Sunday afternoon while Jake is at a basketball game, trying to put some thing together for two very special people in my life. This little project is some thing I thought I would have help with from my brother but I can tell that is not going to happen. If this is some thing I want to do for these two people, I am going to have to do it on my own.
I don't know why I let this get to me as much as it does. It bothers me that some people are not willing to help but when time comes down to it they are going to take all the credit. I hate when people hurt me and have absolutely no idea what they have done. And if they know...they don't care.
It actually breaks my heart. This was suppose to be some thing we did together for the most amazing people in our lives. Parents can raise you to the best of their ability. They can love you with all their heart. But no matter how many times you tell them how important they are to you and how much you love them, they will not know the full extent of how much you appreciate and love them.
I am going to do this, by myself, for them. For being such amazing people and loving me no matter what I did when I was younger.
There, it is settled. This will be the very best party! But it is still a surprise, so shhhhh :O)
I don't know why I let this get to me as much as it does. It bothers me that some people are not willing to help but when time comes down to it they are going to take all the credit. I hate when people hurt me and have absolutely no idea what they have done. And if they know...they don't care.
It actually breaks my heart. This was suppose to be some thing we did together for the most amazing people in our lives. Parents can raise you to the best of their ability. They can love you with all their heart. But no matter how many times you tell them how important they are to you and how much you love them, they will not know the full extent of how much you appreciate and love them.
I am going to do this, by myself, for them. For being such amazing people and loving me no matter what I did when I was younger.
There, it is settled. This will be the very best party! But it is still a surprise, so shhhhh :O)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Totally shocked this afternoon
This afternoon, while driving home past a soccer field, I was counting how long we had been pregnant. On Tuesday we hit 13 weeks. After trying for 3 years and 1 month of trying to get pregnant to be followed by 13 weeks (so far) of pregnancy is just mind blowing.

But what is even more crazy...we will meet these two miracles in LESS THAN 6 MONTHS!!! I know this time is going to go so fast and they will be here before we know it. I can't wait to meet them. I can't wait to see who they are and who they are going to become. I absolutely can't wait until I get to hold them in my arms and smell the sweet smell of a clean baby.
Now I know there are more things then how good they smell after a bath, and not wanting to put them in their crib just because they are asleep. I know there are going to be dirty diapers...600 or more in the first month. I know there are going to many many many sleepless nights. I know there will be times I want to pull my hair out too. But still, I can't wait.
Here is the picture for 13 weeks.
Our little ones, of course depending on what source you use, are the size of peaches this week. Their fingerprints have now formed. Their bones are starting to form in their arms and legs. The intestines are starting to make their move from the umbilical cord to their tummies. They can also move their arms and legs a little, maybe getting the thumb in the mouth.
We have a 3rd ultra sound on Monday afternoon. I can't wait to see them and see how much they have grown. I will for sure post ultra sound pictures as soon as I can. Here is to another week and getting the final week of the first trimester done and over with.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Weeks 11 and 12
I can't believe 8 weeks ago today Jake and I found out we were pregnant. And 7 weeks ago today we found out there was two babies not just one. These past few weeks have absolutely flown by. It seems like there isn't even enough time in a week to get a picture of the ever growing belly.
Jake has started summer basketball and is busy most days of the week. By the time he gets home from games in La Conner, Everett or where ever else they play, the sun has gone down and we cant get a picture for the week. I have decided I need to have someone just volunteer to take a picture of me in front of our house every week...any takers???
Jake has started summer basketball and is busy most days of the week. By the time he gets home from games in La Conner, Everett or where ever else they play, the sun has gone down and we cant get a picture for the week. I have decided I need to have someone just volunteer to take a picture of me in front of our house every week...any takers???

Over the past 2 weeks it feels like there have been so many changes and new things in our world.
**Like I mentioned before, Jake's team started their summer league and he has been really busy with that. I do miss him being around every night but at the same time I love the time to just relax, watch my shows and sleep if I want to. It has made it really hard to get in a picture. We are going to get better at getting weekly pictures, even if Jake thinks they are silly. I want to have a picture for each week to keep in a scrap book along with all our ultra sound pictures. I have had fun going to the games on the weekend though. It was so cute the first week when the mom's would come up to me and tell me their sons to them we were having twins. I love that the boys thought this was some thing their moms' would want to know and that they are talking to their parents. I know at that age, not every child talks to their parents. It gave me some hope.
**On Thursday of last week heartburn did make its first appearance of the pregnancy. That is not 100% correct, I have heartburn once in a blue moon over the last 8 weeks or so. But Thursday was just stupid. I really hope this doesn't keep up and become an every day thing. Speak of the devil, here we go again. Ugh. This momma is so not a fan of heartburn. Although, I am willing to bet that no pregnant woman is.
**I can feel...pulling I guess is the best word for it. Not really a fan of this feeling but from what I understand it is some thing I will just have to live with. Some times it feels like pulling. Other times it feels like...I don't even know how to explain it. But it means they are growing so I am ok with it :O)
**I still haven't really had any morning-sickness or cravings. I have found that some foods I like today I will probably not be able to stand in a week or two. Milk has become one of my favorite things to drink. We, haha that's funny. Let me rephrase that. I have started to go through almost a gallon in 2 days. From what I hear the milk drinking will only grow just like my belly.
**And that brings me to my belly. My belly, as you can tell, is growing very quickly. Much quicker then I thought it would actually. But I guess with the two babies being about the size of a lime each this week and, depending on where you get your information, about the size of a peach next week the belly has to grow quickly.
**I really miss the ladies in Dr. B's office. I have seen them at least twice a month for almost the past year. They are amazing ladies and I miss seeing them. That reminds me, I really need to make a card and send it up to them. That is just how the ladies are. They are people you want to keep in touch with. Oh how I miss them. Nina, Karen and Jenn!
It is not even 8 o'clock and I can hardly keep my eyes open. I better end this post, put in a girly movie, and try to get some sleep. Between the allergies and having to get up at least 3 times a night, I am absolutely exhausted. I will leave you all with one more belly picture. It was also taken today but this shirt doesn't make it as easy to get a true belly picture. Have a great week all!
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