Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Telling Jake the amazing news
When I called Jake at about noon on the 12th of April I had gone through so many emotions already that day. Almost every emotion in the book. But this was the one phone call I was really really looking forward to making.
I could not wait to tell Jake that he was finally going to be a father!
I could not wait to hear his voice and know how happy he was!
It was, for sure the best phone call I have ever had to make. And I hope this is a phone call I will get to make again in a few years :O)
When he picked up the phone, I am sure he thought the same thing Ami did at first. I was so happy at that moment the tears and sobs just wouldn't stop. The only thing I remember about the first part of our conversation was me saying "December 19th" and I think it took Jake a little bit to figure out what on earth I was talking about. But when he did, his voice changed. And I could tell he was the happiest man in the world at that moment. I would not change that moment for anything else.
He is beyond excited to be a father. And I know, with all my heart, that he will be there very best father he can be. Our children are very lucky to have him as a father.
I can't wait to see him hold our little boy(s) or girl(s) for the first time!
I could not wait to tell Jake that he was finally going to be a father!
I could not wait to hear his voice and know how happy he was!
It was, for sure the best phone call I have ever had to make. And I hope this is a phone call I will get to make again in a few years :O)
When he picked up the phone, I am sure he thought the same thing Ami did at first. I was so happy at that moment the tears and sobs just wouldn't stop. The only thing I remember about the first part of our conversation was me saying "December 19th" and I think it took Jake a little bit to figure out what on earth I was talking about. But when he did, his voice changed. And I could tell he was the happiest man in the world at that moment. I would not change that moment for anything else.
He is beyond excited to be a father. And I know, with all my heart, that he will be there very best father he can be. Our children are very lucky to have him as a father.
I can't wait to see him hold our little boy(s) or girl(s) for the first time!
The news you have all been waiting for...
It absolutely kills me that I have to keep this post un-posted, if you will, for a while. At this point I am not sure how long it will be before I can post this. I guess it is more up to Jake then me. If it were up to me this would have been posted 2 weeks ago.
So here it is...
So here it is...
Jake and I are expecting a little baby (or 2) on December 19th 2011!!!
We found out on April 12th, two days after my birthday. It was the perfect late birthday gift ever! But it was quite the experience. This whole time I knew, I absolutely knew this was going to work. There was no doubt in my mind. Even when people asked what we were going to do if it didn't work I couldn't answerer them. I had no idea how to. In my mind there just was a reason to think about that.
That is up until Monday the 11th of April. I think it was lunch time when it hit me. The whole thing kind of walked up to me and punched me in the face. All I could think was "Holy cow. Tomorrow we find out. Tomorrow we will know if it worked or not. Tomorrow we will get an answer...positive or negative." And at that point I started to doubt the whole thing. I started to wonder what we would do when we got the phone call from the doctor telling us it didn't work. How was I going to handle it.
So Tuesday morning I had to get up really early in order to get to the doctors office a little after 8am to get my blood drawn. I had so many friends send me messages on facebook and txt messages on the drive up, it helped a little. But I was still crazy worried and convinced at that point it was going to be negative. When I walked into the doctors office Karen greeted me like normal, as friendly as one could be, and I almost burst out into tears.
Needles to say I made it through the blood draw with out another break down. I even made it back to work and through the morning without worrying tooo much. But when lunch rolled around my tummy was in knots. Absolute knots. I had to call my best friend Ami to talk me into making the phone call. Unfortunately she didn't answerer the phone so I had to call the doctor cold turkey.
Nina picked up the phone and said, "How do you feel about December 19th as a due date?" At that point I lost it. Absolutely lost it. I'm not sure if Nina said anything else over the next few minuets or not. I wasn't really paying attention. I do know I kept asking if she was sure. When I finally got it all together enough to listen to her she said that I was DEFINITELY pregnant. She told me to take it easy and they needed to see me again on Thursday, 2 days later, to make sure that my hormone levels were increasing like they should. I hung up the phone with her and cried.
While I was talking to Nina, Ami had called. As soon as I could I called her back, knowing that Jake wasn't on lunch yet and there was no point calling him yet. I had to tell someone. When Ami picked up the phone all I could do was cry. I know at first she thought it was negative...until I told her were were due on December 19th. Pretty sure she was jumping up and down in her car. She probably looked pretty funny to all of those she was driving past on her way back to work. You could say she was a LITTLE excited for us :O) I am so glad I could tell her!
We are beyond excited! There are not enough words to explain how excited we are to be pregnant and having a baby. Boy or girl. One or two. We really don't care. We just want them to be happy and healthy with 10 fingers and 10 toes.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Jake vs Birds
It was Wednesday evening when Bella started going crazy. Looking up at the ceiling like there was something there. About half an hour later she was in a different spot ding the exact same thing.
Turns out we had birds, sparrows to be exact, that decided to make a home our of our attic. They punched holes in the vent screens and made a home. And apparently they thought it was just cool with us to take over the entire attic.
Well boy were they wrong!
Jake spent the majority of the afternoon trimming the bush they used to cover their new home. Pulling the nest out of the holes in the screen. Vacuuming the nest out. (The birds flew away and were not in the next, by the way.) And then covering the holes with wood.
It was a little funny watching him use the vacuum but it worked. Now, our attic is empty again. And now the little birds have to find a new home.
Jake = 1. Birds = 0.
Turns out we had birds, sparrows to be exact, that decided to make a home our of our attic. They punched holes in the vent screens and made a home. And apparently they thought it was just cool with us to take over the entire attic.
Well boy were they wrong!
Jake spent the majority of the afternoon trimming the bush they used to cover their new home. Pulling the nest out of the holes in the screen. Vacuuming the nest out. (The birds flew away and were not in the next, by the way.) And then covering the holes with wood.
It was a little funny watching him use the vacuum but it worked. Now, our attic is empty again. And now the little birds have to find a new home.
Jake = 1. Birds = 0.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Unnamed post
Hello all. I realized this morning that I'm sure a lot of you are checking to see if I have updated my blog with results. Please know that when we get the results, positive or negative, I will want to scream it from the roof tops. Especially if it is positive. :O) But to respect my husbands wishes, I wont post anything for a while. Either way. No matter what.
Please remember I want to tell everyone. As soon as we know. And it is going to be extremely hard for me to keep it a secret for a little bit. When I can tell you all, I will.
Like I said, positive or negative, I wont be able to post the results on facebook or my blog. I hope everyone understands. You are all amazing friends and I am so thankful for the support you have all given me over this journey.
Please remember I want to tell everyone. As soon as we know. And it is going to be extremely hard for me to keep it a secret for a little bit. When I can tell you all, I will.
Like I said, positive or negative, I wont be able to post the results on facebook or my blog. I hope everyone understands. You are all amazing friends and I am so thankful for the support you have all given me over this journey.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Brain-missing, already?
I have known a few, lots actually, pregnant women. At some point during their pregnancy, and maybe more then once or twice, they have done something that is just brain-missing. You look at them and the only thing you can say is, "Guess baby ate your brain."
Is it possible that this baby, or embryo that may or may not have implanted, has eaten my brain ALREADY? >><<
Today has so been one of those days. Last night I talked to a friend, Katina, and we decided we were going to get together for dinner tonight. Pizza sounded good to both of us and had talked about going to a place in downtown Burlington. And then this afternoon Katina and I decided were were going to have Olive Garden, her son was not going to be home so we could go to a more adult friendly place. I think it was about 4pm when we decided this, right? So 5 o'clock rolls around and we close the branch and drive away. I get all the way to the mall in Burlington, a good 6 or 7 blocks past Olive Garden when I all of a sudden remember where I was going. A co-worker that was a few cars in front of me even sent me a txt message asking if I got lost. >><<
I did finally make it to Olive Garden and dinner was great. It was good to hang out with someone other then my husband. (I do love hanging out with you though babe :O) But it was really good to have some girl time. And Katina, we have to do this again! Soon. That reminds me, my left overs are in the car. Someone might need to remind me in a few hours to make sure I got it out of the car :O) >><<
Anyway, after dinner I drove to Fred Meyer to get toilet paper and a few other things. I am in no hurry, with Jake being in Spokane visiting family for a few days during his spring break and all. So I am just walking down the isles. Looking at shoes. Clothes. Pencils. Curtains. Nothing really. I've gotten what I need, walked across the store maybe 5 times because I get to one side and remember I need something from the area I just was. Again, brain-missing. But so I get up to the register, putting the items on the belt thing, and then...CRAP THE TOILET PAPER. It was slow so I just went to get it, but still. Really??? The toilet paper was the whole point of going to Fred Meyer. Whole point. >><<
I can't help but think that I am missing my brain today. And if the "baby ate my brain" already, what on earth is it going to be like later in the pregnancy? Is it going to get worse? Oh man, I may be up a creak.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Late night craft project
You know those craft ideas that just randomly pop into your head? The ones that you know if you don't do it right that moment, next time you go to sit down you wont remember? That's what this is. Sitting on the couch, extremely exhausted, and this card pops into my head. So even though I really need to go to bed I made a card. (And now I am blogging about it of course :O)
I really wish I had enough patience to make this for everyone I need to send cards to but for some reason I don't think that is going to happen. Maybe similar will work. Alright, I'm off to bed. Two hours later then I really wanted to but that's ok.

Sunday, April 3, 2011
I know my last post was about getting lots and lots of rest, right? Well, so is this one.... It has become extremely hard to follow doctors orders to get rest and really do nothing. I am doing just that but to the point of frustration. Both Jake and I knew I wouldn't be able to do laundry, clean the house, or even really cook this weekend and for at least the next two weeks. But then life happens. And laundry has to be done. The house has to be cleaned. And food needs to be cooked. I did cook and freeze some meals, but not as much as I would like. And this does help, a little. But it doesn't help with the laundry. And that, right now is what I need help with. Waking up this morning and separated the laundry into piles didn't help get it started. Aaaahhhhhhh! I really wish I was able to help. I am not used to sitting around so much. I am very frustrated at the moment. And I am sure that over the next few weeks it will get better. At least I hope so.
I didn't spend $12,000 for this not to work because of doing laundry.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Must get rest.
Why is that when I have so much to do I have no energy what so ever? And then when I am told that I absolutely have to rest, relax, and stay in bed as much as possible...I can't?
After Dr. B implanted the 2 embryos he gave me some written instructions. First off it says to "Stay in bed or on the couch for the first 48 hours." And then I am to gradually increase my movement with short distance walks. ................
But you know what? I want to bounce off the walls right now. I want to run through the streets and just yell at the top of my lungs how excited I am. I want everyone to know how happy I am. I know we wont know if this worked for several more weeks but one can not help to be optimistic. ................
It was such an amazing feeling when we walked into the doctor office to be greeted by Nina with a big hug, telling us how excited she was. And then around the corner walks Dr. B telling us how healthy these embryos look. And how pleased he is with the results this far. 14 eggs retrieved, 9 fertilized, 2 implanted, and 7 frozen...apparently that is GREAT results! To hear that from a doctor who has always be cautious is very reassuring. ...............
And then after the procedure...what an amazing feeling. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders when Dr. B looks up and says "They are in." Three little words with so much power. And those three little words made me the happiest woman in the world at that exact moment. ...............
After that point it was so hard for me to go home and do nothing. I did manage to watch Tangled (twice after falling asleep the first time,) Burlesque, Wedding Crashers, Wedding Planner, and something else but I can't remember. I even ordered a book for my nook. And when Jake got home at 8pm or so...I was not at all sleepy. Not one little bit. And who could be? I had just had one of the best days of my life and then was told I had to do absolutely NOTHING.
And then today, Friday, was worse. I don't even have the scrapbook stuff I need to work on a new scrapbook. One more thing I wish I had thought about before Thursday. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. I am looking forward to a friend visiting me either Saturday or Sunday with her son Alex :O) Huh, while I'm thinking about it I should probably get all the 2010-2011 Basketball Season pictures on a disk for her. Its something to do at least, and I really need to do that for her.
Well wish me luck on the next few days of "relaxing" and doing a lot of nothing. I know it is important and I know I really need to follow Dr. B's orders/instructions. But being told I have to take it easy is easier said then done. But if it means we will be able to welcome a baby into the Martyn household I am ok with it :O)
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