Thursday, March 31, 2011
Ooooh! Today is the day!!!
It is not even 7am and I am awake. I am soooo excited! So excited! Today is the day they put the 2 embryos back. And I know it is possible that this wont work the first time, or even the second time. But I am still crossing my fingers.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
What an amazing group of friends I have!
I just wanted to say thank you to all my friends and family out there who are supporting us in our journey to pregnancy. Everyone of you are absolutely amazing and I don't think we could do this without your support. Over the last several weeks I have been absolutely amazed at how many phone calls and txt messages I have received. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you all very much!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
9 of them! We have 9!
I can't even tell you how many times I have started a new post. And then how many times I have had to stop for one reason or another. Like now, I am going to take a little nap before I have to get ready for work. But I will be back this evening. I have lots to share... See, told you. I can't seem to finish a whole post without stopping. No matter how much I really want to post some updates. There has been so much to update. So many things that have happened. I am not even really sure where to start. How about our journey to pregnancy. Yesterday, Monday March 28th I became a human pin cushion. Actually I am pretty sure I was one before yesterday but it made it official. The last 3 weeks or so Jake has been giving me hormone shots to get me ready for the retrieval of my eggs. All of those shots were in my tummy muscles...and honestly not as bad as I thought they would be. I even had to get a shot in my bumm of hCG in a parking lot. Nothing makes you feel like a drug dealer then mixing up drugs, in a needle, in your car, in a parking lot. But, the shot had to be given at EXACTLY 8:45pm and it took a little longer at the restaurant then we thought it would. So yesterday was the big day, the egg retrieval day. We had to be there at 7:15 am to go over post-operation instructions and then they took us back to the room to get me ready. Apparently I fell asleep half way through a sentence. And thankfully I don't remember anything. I do remember however, asking the Drug Doctor if I farted during the procedure. She laughed and said no. A little later I asked my nurse, Jen, the same question. Again she laughed and said no. So thankfully I had nothing to worry about, no farting for me :O) They were able to retrieve 14 eggs yesterday. This morning I got a phone call from Nina, one of the wonderful ladies at Bellingham IVF, she told us that 7 of them were put in a dish with Jake's sperm and 4 of them fertilized on their own. The other 7 were fertilized with a needle. Of the last 7, 5 of them were successful. So all in all we have 9 little embryos. Thursday the 31st, we will have 2 of those embryos implanted back and we will hope like crazy that it works. The other 7 we are going to have frozen for when we want to have another child. So all day yesterday I stayed at home, slept, and watched movies. I really wish I could have done the same today. But unfortunately it was off to work for me. And now, at 8pm, I am ready to fall asleep. I am off to watch another movie and go to sleep early today. I will try to update more often then I have been. Good night all.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
What a day!
I absolutely love those days where everything you need to get done gets done. Despite loosing an hour of sleep and getting a late start Jake and I got everything done Sunday. I felt very accomplished :O)
Laundry is almost done and its only 6pm. The only thing left is the bed needs to be made with clean sheets.
Grocery shopping is done.
Most importantly that includes extra shopping for food to make and put in the freezer for the first two weeks in April where I am suppose to be taking it easy. Esther, a great friend of mine, sent me a link to a cooking blog she likes. I can't figure out for the life of me how to post a link on here without the whole long web address posting too, but when I do I will post a link to that blog. It had some really good ideas for things to cook and freeze. I made 2 chicken pot pies, froze one and we had one for dinner on Sunday. There are a few things I will do differently next time...such as cut the potatoes into smaller pieces and make the grave thicker. This time it didn't have a lot of flavor but its a work in progress. I also made 2 Enchilada Casseroles and put both of them in the freezer.
Normally I'm not a big fan of cooking but this was fun. Knowing that there is a really good reason why we need it. And hoping like crazy I will need to redo the process in 9 months. While Jake is at the gym today, Monday night, I am going to make the Pepperoni Lasagnas. We aren't going to eat either of them today, being that Jake bought some pizza coupons from a girl at school today though.
Another friend on facebook, Sarah, sent me a title of a book that she really likes. I have to go look it up now because I can't remember. But I am excited to check that book out too. The more recipes I can get and make the better. I was also going to look for some things that I could put together and freeze for the crock pot.
Needless to say, I'm excited to be getting food into our freezer. It seems a little more expensive right now, being that we did grocery shopping for pretty much 2weeks all at once. But I know it will be worth it, and we wont have to eat Hamburger Helper ever night :O)
Laundry is almost done and its only 6pm. The only thing left is the bed needs to be made with clean sheets.
Grocery shopping is done.
Most importantly that includes extra shopping for food to make and put in the freezer for the first two weeks in April where I am suppose to be taking it easy. Esther, a great friend of mine, sent me a link to a cooking blog she likes. I can't figure out for the life of me how to post a link on here without the whole long web address posting too, but when I do I will post a link to that blog. It had some really good ideas for things to cook and freeze. I made 2 chicken pot pies, froze one and we had one for dinner on Sunday. There are a few things I will do differently next time...such as cut the potatoes into smaller pieces and make the grave thicker. This time it didn't have a lot of flavor but its a work in progress. I also made 2 Enchilada Casseroles and put both of them in the freezer.
Normally I'm not a big fan of cooking but this was fun. Knowing that there is a really good reason why we need it. And hoping like crazy I will need to redo the process in 9 months. While Jake is at the gym today, Monday night, I am going to make the Pepperoni Lasagnas. We aren't going to eat either of them today, being that Jake bought some pizza coupons from a girl at school today though.
Another friend on facebook, Sarah, sent me a title of a book that she really likes. I have to go look it up now because I can't remember. But I am excited to check that book out too. The more recipes I can get and make the better. I was also going to look for some things that I could put together and freeze for the crock pot.
Needless to say, I'm excited to be getting food into our freezer. It seems a little more expensive right now, being that we did grocery shopping for pretty much 2weeks all at once. But I know it will be worth it, and we wont have to eat Hamburger Helper ever night :O)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
So excited!!!
Alright, I am not sure how much I can post on here. I don't want two very important people to know about this, so sorry if I am being very information-missing (sorry, only phrase I could think of and its from the book The Uglies)
Anyway. For this event I have Save the Date cards figured out, with the approval of a good friend. What we will serve, even some people who are going to help make the food. A good start on the guest list that seems to get larger every time I turn back to that page. A plan of attack on how to get addresses for most of these people. A fabulous gift idea. And I even have a "To Do List" started and when certain things need to be done.
The one big thing on the To Do List is the location. With Jake and I starting the in-vetro process a day or so ago we really have no extra money. And I'm not sure how much my little brother is able to put toward the cause. So we are looking for cheap but classy venue. Stephen, my little brother, is on a mission to see what he can do.
Oh I am so excited right now! But if anyone knows who or what this is about...please don't say anything to those two very important people. Because remember....
"Shhhhhhhh...Its a secret!"
Anyway. For this event I have Save the Date cards figured out, with the approval of a good friend. What we will serve, even some people who are going to help make the food. A good start on the guest list that seems to get larger every time I turn back to that page. A plan of attack on how to get addresses for most of these people. A fabulous gift idea. And I even have a "To Do List" started and when certain things need to be done.
The one big thing on the To Do List is the location. With Jake and I starting the in-vetro process a day or so ago we really have no extra money. And I'm not sure how much my little brother is able to put toward the cause. So we are looking for cheap but classy venue. Stephen, my little brother, is on a mission to see what he can do.
Oh I am so excited right now! But if anyone knows who or what this is about...please don't say anything to those two very important people. Because remember....
"Shhhhhhhh...Its a secret!"
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Pasta dinner
This evening I was looking through a friend's pictures on facebook. A few of the pictures were of her, her family and friends spending the evening together. Relaxing. Hanging out. Eating pasta.
It makes me miss home. Makes me miss my family. Makes me miss my friends.
I know I have said this before but I want to have friends over here. Don't get me wrong, I have a friend or two. But I want the friends that will knock on the door with a movie and popcorn. Friends that will stop by just to say "hi" rather then calling. Friends that want to come over for dinner, even if its just spaghetti.
I know we have been here for, what is it now, 4 years. And I know I haven't really gone out of my way to meet people. I don't even really know our neighbours, even the one who brought me EmergenC yesterday because I was sick. I don't even really know any parents of the boys Jake has coached for the past 4 years with one exception. I need to step out of my comfort zone and meet people. But to be honest...I don't know how to.
So anyway. Who wants to come over and have a pasta dinner with me? Even if its just spaghetti?
It makes me miss home. Makes me miss my family. Makes me miss my friends.
I know I have said this before but I want to have friends over here. Don't get me wrong, I have a friend or two. But I want the friends that will knock on the door with a movie and popcorn. Friends that will stop by just to say "hi" rather then calling. Friends that want to come over for dinner, even if its just spaghetti.
I know we have been here for, what is it now, 4 years. And I know I haven't really gone out of my way to meet people. I don't even really know our neighbours, even the one who brought me EmergenC yesterday because I was sick. I don't even really know any parents of the boys Jake has coached for the past 4 years with one exception. I need to step out of my comfort zone and meet people. But to be honest...I don't know how to.
So anyway. Who wants to come over and have a pasta dinner with me? Even if its just spaghetti?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A lot more real.
This morning, despite me being sick with a cold and a fever of over 100.0, Jake and I made the trip up to see Dr. B and the girls. They did an ultra sound, suppression check they called it, to make sure there were no eggs that had matured over the last month or so of birth control. We are good there, nothing is growing at this point in the egg department.
After the ultra sound we meet with Nina to go over the calendar she had sent us, day by day. What medication is needed and when. How to take the medication, most of it has to be given by needle and I'm not super excited about that. There is some that is inhaled and some that is in pill for so that is good. 
They sent us home with a huge bag of "goodies," all the stuff we are going to need over the next month. Even Progesterone, unfortunately in oil form, that I will have to get shots of for the entire first trimester.
Our little Miss Bella checking out the goodies bag.
The inside of the goodies bag...
Lets just say there is a lot to remember. A lot to do.
Fingers are crossed!
20 days from today is the day they retrive my eggs.
23 days from today is the day they put 2 eggs back.
Hopefully shortly after we will know it worked!
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