A friend of my posted the following on facebook today:
"Lindsay Lohan, 24, gets her name & face all over the news just because she went to jail.
Justin Allen, 23, Brett Linley, 29, Matthew Weikert, 29, Justus Bartett, 27, Dave Santos, 21, Chase Stanley, 21, Jesse Reed, 26, Matthew Johnson, 21, Zachary Fisher, 24, Brandon King, 23, Christopher Goeke, 23 and Sheldon Tate, 27 are all Marines that gave their lives for you this week. Please Honor THEM!"
It absolutely breaks my heart how much truth there is in this. How much time did news stations take up covering the Lindsay incident? Or some thing else just as meaningless? And then compare it to the amount of time those same stations used covering those brave men and women who served our country to protect our freedom? Past, present, and future. And those men and women who paid the ultimate price?
Seems a little lop sided doesn't it? Even if we don't agree with the reasons for the war, those men and women need our support. I ask God every day to keep them all safe, and to bring them home to their families. And I thank them for their sacrifices they make.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Cleaning house
I have never, ever said I was good at keeping a clean house. Actually that was one of the first things I told Jake when we first started dating. I only clean when I have to.
That being said...don't judge.

And just think...this is after only 2 weeks of being to busy and not having the time,
or the want, to clean the house. Pretty much grosses me out. A lot.
Oh well...its clean now. At least for the night.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Just a quick update
So last month did not work. I'm sure I made that very clear in the previous post. But now on to the next step.
I actually had an x-ray yesterday to see if my tubes were open. Let me tell you, it was painful! Apparently getting a catheter past the cervix is not that easy to do. It took a few attempts and I had some of the worst cramps I have ever had. After the catheter was in place, a balloon was inflated and the dye was injected.
The dye followed through my tubes and out the end just like normal. The one thing Dr. B. was concerned about was how the dye pooled outside the left tube and that it didn't disperse like it should. My left tube is also a little thinner then it should be. Dr. B. said it shouldn't be causing any big problems being that it is still open but he wants to focus more on the right side.
I'm not 100% sure what that is going to mean. But we have another ultra sound appointment on Thursday so we will get more information then. This could turn out to be very very expensive!
On another note...I still have not told my parents about us not being able to get pregnant. I know I should and I want to. I just don't know how. After all, we have been trying for so long and haven't even told them we were trying. I keep chickening out! I will. I will. I will. I just don't want them to worry.
I actually had an x-ray yesterday to see if my tubes were open. Let me tell you, it was painful! Apparently getting a catheter past the cervix is not that easy to do. It took a few attempts and I had some of the worst cramps I have ever had. After the catheter was in place, a balloon was inflated and the dye was injected.
The dye followed through my tubes and out the end just like normal. The one thing Dr. B. was concerned about was how the dye pooled outside the left tube and that it didn't disperse like it should. My left tube is also a little thinner then it should be. Dr. B. said it shouldn't be causing any big problems being that it is still open but he wants to focus more on the right side.
I'm not 100% sure what that is going to mean. But we have another ultra sound appointment on Thursday so we will get more information then. This could turn out to be very very expensive!
On another note...I still have not told my parents about us not being able to get pregnant. I know I should and I want to. I just don't know how. After all, we have been trying for so long and haven't even told them we were trying. I keep chickening out! I will. I will. I will. I just don't want them to worry.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
At this point there is no guessing...the chlomid and hCG shots didn't work this month.
I really want to be at the lake now. I want to tell my mom that we can't get pregnant. I want to cry. I want my mom to tell me it will happen. And I want her to tell me everything that her and my dad tried for the 10 years they had tried to get pregnant. I want to belive that it will happen.
I really want to be at the lake now. I want to tell my mom that we can't get pregnant. I want to cry. I want my mom to tell me it will happen. And I want her to tell me everything that her and my dad tried for the 10 years they had tried to get pregnant. I want to belive that it will happen.
Is dissapointment on the way again?
After getting shots in the bum...4 times...I don't think it worked! I'm starting to feel cramppy today. And one can only guess what that means. Ugh! I'm not really looking forward to what we will have to do if it doesn't work this month. I think, but am not positive, that our next step will be an injection of dye and an x-ray to see if my tubes are blocked. I have heard that a lot of woman get pregnant right after this because some how it clears things us. Or something. I don't really know.
I am very afraid that we will get the worst news...that my tubes are blocked and will never be able to get pregnant naturally. Not that I call using the hormone hCG and chlomid necessarily "naturally" but its better then the alternative. Not that invitro (sp?) is bad by any means, it just costs a lot of money and there are no guarantees! And if that's the case we will have to do some serious thinking about what we want to do, how much we want to spend, and decide if adoption is a better option for us right now.
So yes, there is a lot running through my mind right now. And all I really want to be doing is sitting on the end of the dock, in my swimsuit, with a glass of ice cold water...In Everwell Bay Lake Coeur d'Alene!
On another note: Jake and I both had blood drawn this week. Dr. Branigan wants to run some test to make sure there is nothing that could be causing us not to get pregnant, even though these tests were done about this time last year. But anyway. Tuesday I go in, give the the sheet and my insurance card, and walk back with the lady to the room. I tell her I'm not really excited about this and she tells me not to worry. And THEN she just stabs the needle into my arm!!! No warning, no nothing. I get back to work, in pain mind you, only to discover I have a bump stating in my elbow pit....you know the part where they draw blood? And the bump keeps getting bigger!!! Needles to say the next day I am BLACK AND BLUE. And still am to this day. I did get a phone call from the office of the scary blood drawing nurse saying they need another vile of blood. I go back on my lunch and am very happy to see a different nurse...phew! I pull up my sleeve and ask if this is normal. Her response is "Oh my gosh! What happened?" I tell her the whole story. She apologizes and tells me to keep pressure on it. Ugh! I hate getting my blood drawn. Atleast there was no bump or bruses this time, thank goodness!
So here is to another day in the sun...and the hopes that the cramps GO AWAY!!!
I am very afraid that we will get the worst news...that my tubes are blocked and will never be able to get pregnant naturally. Not that I call using the hormone hCG and chlomid necessarily "naturally" but its better then the alternative. Not that invitro (sp?) is bad by any means, it just costs a lot of money and there are no guarantees! And if that's the case we will have to do some serious thinking about what we want to do, how much we want to spend, and decide if adoption is a better option for us right now.
So yes, there is a lot running through my mind right now. And all I really want to be doing is sitting on the end of the dock, in my swimsuit, with a glass of ice cold water...In Everwell Bay Lake Coeur d'Alene!
On another note: Jake and I both had blood drawn this week. Dr. Branigan wants to run some test to make sure there is nothing that could be causing us not to get pregnant, even though these tests were done about this time last year. But anyway. Tuesday I go in, give the the sheet and my insurance card, and walk back with the lady to the room. I tell her I'm not really excited about this and she tells me not to worry. And THEN she just stabs the needle into my arm!!! No warning, no nothing. I get back to work, in pain mind you, only to discover I have a bump stating in my elbow pit....you know the part where they draw blood? And the bump keeps getting bigger!!! Needles to say the next day I am BLACK AND BLUE. And still am to this day. I did get a phone call from the office of the scary blood drawing nurse saying they need another vile of blood. I go back on my lunch and am very happy to see a different nurse...phew! I pull up my sleeve and ask if this is normal. Her response is "Oh my gosh! What happened?" I tell her the whole story. She apologizes and tells me to keep pressure on it. Ugh! I hate getting my blood drawn. Atleast there was no bump or bruses this time, thank goodness!
So here is to another day in the sun...and the hopes that the cramps GO AWAY!!!
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